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  1. T

    Muslim footballer on £40,000-a-week may be forced to quit Newcastle because

    In this specific case, he is hurting his clubs finance because of his muslim religous beliefs, so it is 100% justified.... islam here is 100% directly responsible for his club losing money, so it makes sense
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    Truth about Gandhi dynasty

    Everyone knows of thre shamelessness of the COngress and Gandhi dynasty. Good luck trying to convince the blind Congress supporters though, some of whom are in this forum too...
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    Muslim footballer on £40,000-a-week may be forced to quit Newcastle because

    Why Senegalese cant be Muslim? He is a practicing Muslim, and is using the Muslim card to hurt his clubs finance...
  4. T

    The Highly abusive Marvi Sirmid on Social Media

    Good to see RAW has extensive connections in Pakistan. /sarcasm
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    Burma Genocide Thread

    Islamist propaganda is on at full swing on this site and many others. Good job fellow Indians catching this, we have suffered from Islamist terrorism and propaganda in Kashmir, and we must ensure that these Islamic propagandists are not able to also harm our Burmese brothers, like they did to us....
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    'Puppy' Remark: Delhi BJP Vice President Quits

    Why dont you let the BJP and BJP-supporters/voters like us decide that? If he is a liability, its our problem not yours...
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    20 children die after eating free school lunch in India

    I wish same food is served to the corrupt politicians/beauracracy that is responsible for this... rip...
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    dna exclusive: Leh Li! China intrudes, warns India in Hindi

    Whatever dude, didnt we help you with your freedom fight? You guys would be slaves of pakistan today without us, and here you are badmouthing us.... Wonder why china didnt come to BD help when pak army was massacring bangladeshis in operation searchlight ...
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    dna exclusive: Leh Li! China intrudes, warns India in Hindi

    Well unlike the Chinese we wont because we believe in humanity. We wont be the ones starting a war, because generally we Indians are peaceful people. But if you Chinese insist on starting a conflict, mark my words... we will be the ones finishing off the war You left out Bangladesh :P
  10. T

    BJP sex scandal: Finance Minister Raghavji arrested

    Are you kidding me with the bold part mate? Forget sex scandals, some Congressis have rape cases pending on them. At least the BJP sex scandals are a result of consensual sex....
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    dna exclusive: Leh Li! China intrudes, warns India in Hindi

    Its better not to talk about things you have no idea about. The Leh area is bordering Tibet. Tibet was a Buddhist majority country, which was illegally and forcefully invaded by China. India and Tibet were brotherly nations due to similar cultures and religious influences. So historically, there...
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    dna exclusive: Leh Li! China intrudes, warns India in Hindi

    Must say, either the Chinese Army is very unprofessional like the Pakistani Army (doing things without Govt approval), or this is the Chinese Govt's position, and they are looking for some kind of skirmish/conflict with India. So which one is it? I guess only time will tell...
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    Indian Soldier Killed in Kashmir Gunfight

    We are not talking about the Pakistani Army here.
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    BJP sex scandal: Finance Minister Raghavji arrested

    Well I dont know, technically (no matter how nauseating), the BJP members sex life is his personal life. SO the whistleblower had no right to make is private life public. This seems to be more of a gray area, we should wait for more details before jumping to conclusions... No....... and how...
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    Ask a question about Pakistan.

    I would disagree on that for the most part, maybe a few Moulvis, but then again they are exceptions rather than the rule. Kind of like how some right wing Hindu Organizations in India have "Christian/Muslim wings". Yes some of them RSS people might have a soft spot for these other religions, but...
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    Ask a question about Pakistan.

    If you were to go off of personal perception, what % of your countrymen would you consider Pakistani nationalists, and what % would you consider Pakistani Islamists? To clarify, a Pakistani nationalist would put concerns and issues of Pakistani non-Muslims like...
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    Hina Rabbani Khar to participate in Bigg Boss 7 after PPP debacle

    I must say, for the first paragraph I though it was a serious news report. It wwas only after the 2nd paragraph that I thought it was getting ridiculous and decided to check the source :lol:
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    Kashmir shuts on Manmohan's visit

    It wasnt going too far when you Pakistanis were talking about killing or "slaughtering" Indian soldiers? You have been using some pretty nasty words yourself. If you are going to punch, better have the courage to receive a punch too :P
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    Hina Rabbani Khar to participate in Bigg Boss 7 after PPP debacle

    LOL hilarious article :rofl:
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    Israeli air force attacks Gaza Strip after rocket fire

    So you are a Muslim? or not? It was a simple question....
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