Kardeş ölenlere 20 vefat daha eklesen o oran değişmez yarında değişmeyecek, sayılar yalan söylemez virgülden sonra ilk 3 hanenin değişmesi zordur ama diğer haneler değişir. Bu diger ülkelerdede nerdeyse aynidir. Burda sadece art niyet var. İnanmayın böyle şeylere. Bazıları sayıları işine nasıl...
Bro ahval is not a reliable source. Everyone knows that sites like ahval, nordic monitor etc. are fetö financed.
Just take a look at the background of Paul iddon, so called Journalist, writes for rudaw, newarab etc.:tdown:
HISAR A and O use more than one guidance system through the flight. During the terminal phase just before the weapon impacts its target the IIR seeker will be activated.
Well sir It is paradoxical to hear from someone these Words who is responsible for so much pain. It is also paradoxical to fight a terrorist organization with another terrorist organization. What kind of coalition is he talking about?