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  1. P

    Don’t Send Us Back, Pakistani Girls Appeal

    What does Shariah say about treatment of people who leave Islam?
  2. P

    India’s claim on Gilgit, Baltistan rebutted

    And Pakistan obviously is expanding with the loss of Sakshan Valley to China in 1963, East Pakistan to Bangladesh in 1971 etc etc... That is what you call giving a spin to logic standing on one's own head.
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    Karachi to Peshawar Bullet train: News & Updates

    What length of Pakistan Railways is already electrified?
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    Iranian forces open fire on Afghans, dozens killed or injured

    Hey guys can we focus on the topic. While I condole the dead Afghans, I will not fault the Iranian guards. Afghan authorities should find out how 300 people without papers crossed over. I do not believe this was a one off case. This must be a continuing case of cat and mouse game of illegal...
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    Pakistan court bans Musharraf from office for life

    As an observer of Asian events I believe Pakistani judiciary is getting beyond itself. How is the military viewing judicial uber activism?
  6. P

    Which part of India is more developed?

    Off topic though... Is Beijing an industrial hub apart frm being the capital city? What are the prominent industrial sectors of Beijing?
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