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  1. B

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    hahahaha just look at reality masbro, do you really think that our gov will meddle in **** like war for moral? mind ourselves, lot of our friend still need job, money to buy some milk for their child, lot of poor & uneducation child. and look at our corrupt gov, in their head just full with...
  2. B


    Ah i meet a stupid person again... if you dont like how the system work in indonesia, just simply go to mars and make some nation there, oh i got better idea how about you just go die. Maybe with your death you'll reduce "angka kemiskinan" and "warga berpendidikan rendah" in my lovely indonesia...
  3. B

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    yup you right masbro... daripada duitny buat perang mnding buat beli bakso :cheesy:
  4. B

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    yeah and some stupid guys want to get some money from selling some bullet's shell and get themself BANG and BOOM!!!
  5. B

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    so SPR is just only can harrasing tank, but still i hope pindad develop it more (use 25mm caliber maybe) because of its potential against truck or humvee. BTW does tank have electrical resistance against high voltage shock?
  6. B

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    but i heard that SPR 3 can penetrate steel. if you have EMP or jammer and long range anti material weaponry like Denel NTW-20 (i don't know this gun can penetrate steel though) that would be more efficient right? you'll only need to immobilize or snipe the operator not blow the tank. i also...
  7. B

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Do you have info about SPR-3 from PINDAD. I think indonesia must have some anti-tank special forces since indonesia have lot anti-tank weaponry like RPGs. sorry my english bad im just high scooler after all.
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