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  1. R

    Wagha Border Ceremony(Drama) should be stopped.

    My original question. Irrelevant butt hurt Indian reply. Are you referring to Kashmir? Kashmir has been invaded by India and it has been occupied it. Kashmiris are fighting for their independence. India supports BLA. BLA is against Pakistan and Iran. India supported terrorism in Sri...
  2. R

    2014 Happy New Year - Defence.pk

    You too Alpha. Happy New Year.
  3. R

    A nation Hangs between religion and secularism !

    You Indians are slow... It is not a surprise though.
  4. R

    A nation Hangs between religion and secularism !

    This Indian is to smart to understand sarcasm...
  5. R

    A nation Hangs between religion and secularism !

    This thread is not about India. You can make another thread and can mind your internal affairs there...
  6. R

    A nation Hangs between religion and secularism !

    In other words, unhealthy obsession with Pakistan..
  7. R

    A nation Hangs between religion and secularism !

    I meant, Clergy IN Islam/Muslims. Not regarding clergy in other religions during that time. I don't think Khalifah Rashdeen, is "clergy", they were simply leaders.
  8. R

    A nation Hangs between religion and secularism !

    Shouldn't you be worried about your pundits?
  9. R

    A nation Hangs between religion and secularism !

    Well, I just find it interesting. IF I am not Mistaken. ( If I am I hope God forgives me). Clergy/mullah, mindset existed during time of Prophet Isa, and we know how things went then. During the time of Prophet Muhammad (SAW), clergy was absent. Thus in Islam, there is no concept of clergy...
  10. R

    A nation Hangs between religion and secularism !

    If your Pakistan obsessed Indian *** wants to derail the thread, then they can make another thread, preferably in Indiandefence, and b1tch all they want. Don't worry about the bank balance of the owner of this site, both sites are owned by him.. He wont starve to death...
  11. R

    A nation Hangs between religion and secularism !

    I think the molvi phenomenon is interesting in some ways. If I am not mistaken, this "molvi/clergy" mindset existed even during the times of Prophet Isa. During the time of Prophet Isa, the "clergy" type people were making certain divine laws striker for others, and more relaxed for some...
  12. R

    A nation Hangs between religion and secularism !

    No I would differ on that. Perhaps politics is, but not our bureaucracy and military.
  13. R

    A nation Hangs between religion and secularism !

    You must be one of those people who are obsessed stalkers and can't mind their own business, thus they have an urge to butt into other people's internal affairs. That is a typical behaviour expected of Indians..
  14. R

    A nation Hangs between religion and secularism !

    Yes they are. And the majority wants to make "sure" they remain the dominant. I am not talking about regarding violence against minorities just because they believe in the tooth fairy. I am talking about dominant in the power structure of the state. like Bureaucracy, etc.
  15. R

    A nation Hangs between religion and secularism !

    Are you making a pathetic attempt to justify your obsession with Pakistan?
  16. R

    A nation Hangs between religion and secularism !

    No, I am not obsessed with India. This is a Pakistani site and a Pakistani thread. I see you are obsessed with Pakistan, joined a Pakistani site, and started butting in our internal affairs, which is non of your business. Like a typical Indian who is obsessed with Pakistan..
  17. R

    A nation Hangs between religion and secularism !

    I guess Indians are obsessed with Pakistan, thus they take more interest in Pakistani threads regarding our internal affairs, on a Pakistani site, than their own....
  18. R

    A nation Hangs between religion and secularism !

    I doubt there is a debate at all. Since majority is Muslim, and want a Muslim state in which Muslims will always remain dominant. Pro "secularism" are just a minority.
  19. R

    Daily motion banned in pakistan

    Maybe they are trying to block people from communicating with each other so they don't question their government?
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