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    What's up with some Afghanis hate against Pakistan and ISI?

    LOL @ pashtuns. We Jats can break a skinny pashtun
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    The Pothohar Plateau

    On wikipedia it says that Jaswal are a Rajput Katoch clan from Himachal Pradesh Kangra region which I assumed to be a dogri region. His eyes look very odd with that kind of a slant Wikipedia: The Jaswal Rajputs are a branch of the Katoch clan of Kangra. Their ancestor Raja Purab Chand was a...
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    The Pothohar Plateau

    There are some dogris in Pakistan like the Jaswal brothers . In general they often have oriental mongoloid looking eyes like Uzair Jaswal which Potoharis don't have
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    Partition history- Jammu Massacre 1947

    We indeed love chinese but DOGri is a mongol - a different creature altogether. DOGri carries rapist terrorist mongol gene and only knows how to destroy civilized people.
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    Partition history- Jammu Massacre 1947

    In West Punjab, muslims were in majority so they drove out the hindus and sikhs. In East Punjab, hindus and sikhs were the majority, so they drove out the muslims. But in Jammu, the muslims were in majority. What really should have happened is that all mongol DOGris should have been killed by...
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    Partition history- Jammu Massacre 1947

    DOGri bastard race a hybrid of punjabi and mongol with barbarian mongol gene. Rootless people.
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    Partition history- Jammu Massacre 1947

    Well in this massacre, more than 200,000 people were killed. No one knows how many thousands of women were kidnapped and raped. Not to mention the countless number of people who died as a result of dogra state sanctioned murders over more than a century. In Punjab it was both sides who committed...
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    Partition history- Jammu Massacre 1947

    The problem with this genocide is that since it was carried out with full support of the state and in fact on their orders, hard evidence implicating anyone is hard to come by as it has likely all been destroyed. Punjab was more messy since there was no government except for the outgoing British...
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    Partition history- Jammu Massacre 1947

    I think it can be called a genocide going by the sheer number of muslims killed. Another source terms it a genocide Jammu Massacre It is one of the least known genocides in the modern history. It was carried out with such a precision that it is difficult to find its traces, except in the...
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    Partition history- Jammu Massacre 1947

    But the level of barbarity comes in degrees. The author even notes that the violence in Punjab was not as a great as in Jammu. It's clear who is in the wrong here.
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    Partition history- Jammu Massacre 1947

    Interesting information I found The situation was much the same in Jammu. The danger for Muslims multiplied ‘every hour’ as hordes of Hindu and Sikh refugees started pouring into Jammu from areas that were going to become Pakistan. In April, the first trickle of refugees had already arrived...
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    #BREAKING: Jaish al-Adl releases Iranian border guards abducted months ago

    Out pakistani brothers are now finding out what the farsis really think of them :lol: there are only two groups of people these farsis hate the most : Arabs and Indians/Pakistanis. Be careful of them and don't trust farsis ever.
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    Iran builds aircraft carrier!

    Sad to to see Farsi Aryans being mocked by the entire wolrld.
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    Israel gears up for possible unilateral strike on Iran

    what iranian nationalism? please get knowledge before you speak such stuff. iran is ruled by iron fist and full of ethnic minorities like azeri turks, lors, baloch, turkmen etc.. who are oppressed by farsis. azeri turks dont want to be part of fars (iran)
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    Mossad confirms Iranian Jews were murdered trying to emigrate to Israel

    Their slant eyed chinese and drunk russian friends are protecting them
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    The Turkish Navy Superior To The Russian Black Sea Fleet ?

    russians always hated turks. read any old russian literature, somehow their anti turk hatred comes out. i was reading brothers karamazov and in several parts of the book, turks are demonized and made to look like monsters who kill babies for fun.
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    The Turkish Navy Superior To The Russian Black Sea Fleet ?

    turquia has better navy than russian one only in dream
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    WOW:Syria militants attack Hezbollah positions in Lebanon: FSA

    I have no idea what you'rea talking about mr saoudi
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    WOW:Syria militants attack Hezbollah positions in Lebanon: FSA

    The irony is you should be bragging about this yemeni history to the saoudis "brothers" who don't even treat yemeni as an equal. It's a perfect case of tribe mentality. Saoudi treat yemenis as sc*m. I am laughing at how confused you are
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