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  1. H

    Abbas Urges Palestinian Refugees To Exercise Neutrality On Lebanon & Syria

    Acting Palestinian Authority chief Mahmoud Abbas has urged Palestinian refugees in Lebanon and Syria to maintain a neutral position regarding the conflicts in the two countries, Press TV reports. “We do not wish to interfere in their internal affairs. This is also a recommendation to the...
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    Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions

    AshSham, Iraq, Egypt, Kuwait Narrated from Ka'b bin Alqama : "There will be, after the Fitna (trouble) in AshSham, an eastern one (Fitna) which will be the devastation of the kings and the humiliation of the Arabs, until the people of the Maghrib come out." (Nuaim bin Hammad, Kitab al-Fitan...
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    Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions

    Madinah returns to center-stage This essay presents arguments and evidence that Madinah will soon be liberated from being a back-water, silent Saudi-Wahhabi university town into a city that will dramatically occupy center-stage in the affairs of the world, and this should warm the hearts of...
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    Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions

    when all arab erased from earth...................... The World Will Come Into Peace Era....... Prophet Muhammad Say........All Arab Will Killed & Erased From Earth.........Only Few Will Survived.......By Plague....... This Is Your Destiny ...........This Is Your Fate From God...
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    سَنُرِيهِمْ آيَاتِنَا فِي الْآفَاقِ وَفِ&#1610...
  6. H


    WILL AN ISRAELI ATTACK ON IRAN & PAKISTAN PROVOKE THE EMERGENCE OF ANOTHER FALSE MAHDI ? Prophet Muhammad prophesied the advent of an Imām who would emerge by Divine decree to lead the world of Islam at that time when the true Messiah, Jesus the son of Mary (peace and blessings of Allah...
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    Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions

    mosamania...........now im in holiday in antartica..............for 2 weeks.........then back to brunei.............hoho very silent & beautiful place Antartica best place for holiday in modern world arab.......dont worry......all of you will erased & killed from earth......in imam...
  8. H

    Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions

    Yzd khalifa...i know........you are part of them Khawarij/wahabbism..............the cursed people..........dog from hell........... dont worry..............jahannam........best place for you........ All sect & All Wahabbism Must Killed & Erased From Earth.................Forever
  9. H

    Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions

    2 morsi wrong decision...............join with salafi/khawarij & support the fsa.................................. now they fall.................... dont support any faction..............stay neutral build your new egypt with modern & high education system...
  10. H

    Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions

    New egypt must neutral............. remeber kill all salafi/wahhabi & dont support any faction in syria...........let them destroyed into ash learn & build new modern egypt like malaysia & swedia/finland....... now....next egypt enemy are the salafi/wahhabis...............Remember egypt...
  11. H


    mahdi will come after..................4 event 1.king saudi dead,,,,,,,,, 2.syria will destroyed into ash 3.sufyani come from syria 4.Basar assad will killed
  12. H

    USA Will Provide 1,026 M113A2 APC For New Iraq Army

    some question 1.when iraq F-16 come 2.can women join iraq army & iraq police 3.is iraq have plan to buy weapon & aircraft from china 4.is iraq have plan to buy S-300 from russia
  13. H

    Suicide blast in Quetta’s Hazara town kills at least 28

    Remember in jannah no more shia & sunni............ shia & sunni sect will not save you from hell......... they will send you one way ticket into jahannam Hellfire Only Pure Islam will help you from torture of graveyard & hell........ I m Islam & Im Muslim...................Forever
  14. H

    Egyptian military gives 48 hour ultimatum to Brotherhood

    no your country KSA is pure evil................you are muslim world enemy from inside............. you are khawarij dog from hell.................remember Prophet Muhammad say.................Evil Horn Will come From Najd........... Today KSA............are slave of zionist &...
  15. H

    USA Will Provide 1,026 M113A2 APC For New Iraq Army

    United States will provide 1,026 M113A2 tracked armoured personnel carrier to Iraqi Army. Using 1,026 M113A2 armored personnel carriers from the U.S. Army's Excess Defense Articles obtained through the U.S. Army Security Assistance Command's Foreign Military Sales program, and the...
  16. H

    Egyptian military gives 48 hour ultimatum to Brotherhood

    salafi/wahhabis,,,,,,,,,,,is your enemy.....becareful egypt people they are evil horn from najd............dog from hell................... forget saudi.............forget iran..........stay neutral........... forget syria.............they will destroyed into ash...............this is destiny...
  17. H

    Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions

    egypt must stay neutral..........forget syria, forget palestine.................forget sunni & shia.............. leave them & forget them....... build your country with modern system like malaysia,brunei,finlandia,norwey & swedia........... close your border........build wall/fence in all your...
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    Suicide blast in Quetta’s Hazara town kills at least 28

    You want peace................build pakistan system like Malaysia & Brunei Darussalam..........build as pure muslim.with modern education........not shia & sunni........... tell the shia people & sunni people............... sect is forbidden in islam prophet muhammad is pure muslim only pure...
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    Egyptian military gives 48 hour ultimatum to Brotherhood

    want egypt & other middle east country have peace & strong economy include moderate & freedom of life....... You Must Follow Malaysia & Brunei Darussalam System..............that answer for egypt.............learn from your muslim friend in south east asia................ arab is failed &...
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    Suicide blast in Quetta’s Hazara town kills at least 28

    this will stop until..pakistan have 1.pakistan cut all ties with saudi & west 2.kill all khawarij/wahhabism in pakistan 3.stay neutral 4.Pakistan People must erased all sunni & shia sect..........then live as pure muslim like prophet muhammad 5.destroy corruption & good education..........build...
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