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  1. Albanian

    Ask your question about Iran

    I Am Albanian , British Citizen and Live Dubai. I like get by Car Back to Albania forwarding to Iran - Turkey -Greece... Can any Iran help me with some info about haw to go from Dubai to Iran by Ferry and what i need ...I love see Iran ,i hev there one of my friends Playing footy with...
  2. Albanian

    Turkey insults and bullies Albania over Israel/Palestine

    Just to confirm The Brother Hood between Albania and Turkey..What i write here 24 hours a head.... Turkish Defense Minister Ismet Yilmaz, launched on Thursday an official visit to Tirana, in the context of strengthening military cooperation between the two countries. Turkish minister's visit...
  3. Albanian

    Turkey insults and bullies Albania over Israel/Palestine

    Yes Brother.. TAMAM.. Haw i say Between Nations we have no problems.( they are some leaders some time do some mistakes) Actually Albanian and Turkish people they have excellent brother wood between them and they respect each others even from the PAST..Not all has been Black we have learn to...
  4. Albanian

    Turkey insults and bullies Albania over Israel/Palestine

    Explain please Sanctions !? About what ? Who are, WE !? Why you are talking in the name of every one in Forum !? Who are you and when you come from which one you are representing !?
  5. Albanian

    Turkey insults and bullies Albania over Israel/Palestine

    Ah China ...We had not to old story with China just like 40 years only.. But i can say When China of Maucedun need to go against KHrushov of UNITED SOVIET in that time Albanian has toke part of China...has come out of Varshave pack. Communism country's. Albania and China has good Friend ship...
  6. Albanian

    Turkey insults and bullies Albania over Israel/Palestine

    Thank's for the warm Welcome.
  7. Albanian

    Turkey insults and bullies Albania over Israel/Palestine

    Sorry excepted..Thank's for this Act..I hope i have not offend any one filling..here in this forum..if if i done was not intention and even me will ask every one Sorry..
  8. Albanian

    Turkey insults and bullies Albania over Israel/Palestine

    Yes..and add Montenegro too You can see that in Google... write 4 vilajetet shqiptare and check the map ...This was in 1912.. We are asking Great Albania check google still is Smaller then real one..before 1912.
  9. Albanian

    Turkey insults and bullies Albania over Israel/Palestine

    The Slaves...Has start come in Balkan over 1200 yes ago and hey continue do so...Theslaves wanted to have a exit on Adriatic Seas and Imported ION Sea when is open to Mediterranean Albanian has done every thing to live Slaves OUT..of it controlling with Italy Chanel Otranto...Albanin Has...
  10. Albanian

    Turkey insults and bullies Albania over Israel/Palestine

    Internal politics has no thing to do with external strategic politics.But you have to upgrade your self more..
  11. Albanian

    Turkey insults and bullies Albania over Israel/Palestine

    I thing i have done little..but is to long.. 2000 years Roman like race Illirian. Greeks stole their name...From Ylliria- New Star to Hellenia= New star Greeks= Crags..today Greece not Hellene in Mythology is the Son of Zeus.... They got that name to convince Europians and the world about...
  12. Albanian

    Turkey insults and bullies Albania over Israel/Palestine

    Listen do not mix things and not generals what some news or Newspaper write ! 1.Albanian Politics change time to time.Somewe had time been even under dictators..is not Albanian Population Faults.. 2. Albanian Govement did not VOTE ....# ab·sence mean not againts no one. 3.To be honest...
  13. Albanian

    Turkey insults and bullies Albania over Israel/Palestine

    Mate you have to get more info..not only from newspapers ,trust me...You have no idea what is Balkans States. You wrong, Bosnian are Slavs ....Like Serbs Croats ,Slovenians Montenegro or Macedonians . Bosnia Herzegovina was under EX Yugoslavia are all Slaves...the only real people not Slavs...
  14. Albanian

    Turkey insults and bullies Albania over Israel/Palestine

    To be honest if you ask me personally I love Pakistani people..They offer me to come in Pakistan and i Think Pakistan has similar Hospitality like us Albanians ,I know was even one of Out Tribes Pakistan and India from 2000 years ( from Tribal of Dardan from Gjilani) From Time of Alexander...
  15. Albanian

    Turkey insults and bullies Albania over Israel/Palestine

    We do not hate them!? Look What our Prime Minster Berisha say to To prime Minister of turkey Erdogan..in front Face to Face To each Turkish delegation that I meet, I ask them if anyone of them has Albanian origin. I will address the same question to PM erdogan”, Berisha declared to his...
  16. Albanian

    Turkey insults and bullies Albania over Israel/Palestine

    Answer my Question about Erdogan.. Haw he Gesture this ! Why Erdogan the Real Coward for me did open a war against Israel when they conquest in open Sea their Ship and got hostage their own people was Really helping the Palestine !??? That Ship was with Turkish Flag under turkey Government...
  17. Albanian

    Turkey insults and bullies Albania over Israel/Palestine

    Why !?! Because some one do not like him or his decisions !? I do not like Berisha too, but not for that he is "arsehole" ! haw you call...He can call you too same way ... Official Albanian position in UN was Neutral !..Albania did not Vote..for Palestine, but even did not got against it...
  18. Albanian

    Turkey insults and bullies Albania over Israel/Palestine

    That can be other way around for Palestine Pakistan or Turkey too..From Albanians But haw i say we do not not mix Muslim with Politics..and we still call population brothers.( always who like to be ) Muslim not going step Forward because Prime Minister or Turkey , Criticizes a Prime Minister...
  19. Albanian

    Turkey insults and bullies Albania over Israel/Palestine

    Just Clarity here about.. Turkey never Bully Albania .. If any News papers write Erdogan bully Berisha ( Prime Mister )or Albania ... Erdogan never done that Face to Face ! and Never Nominate Albania.. Turkey and Albania they have very well know friendships together after the war Between...
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