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  1. Saraali

    Has Musharraf arrived in Karachi... Whisked away by security

    Mushy flight EK606 has departed. Arrival in Karachi expected at 12.35 pm (PST) I hate him! he should stay out of Pakistan
  2. Saraali

    who gives training to TTP

    Well, I am a Noob and dont like TTP, but finding such posts from an apparently senior member is disturbing! Even a simpleton like me knows that the FIRST thing ANYONE teaches you before handling the firearm is trigger and pointing safety etc.. To say that they look "professional" just of this is...
  3. Saraali

    Acts of Terrorism in Pakistan

    The TTP is becoming bolder and bolder! This time the terrorists announced the Peshawar attacks before even attacking!! See: TTP becoming bolder now? They posted messages before attackin... on Twitpic Don't know how to post the twitter pic here. You can follow me on twitter at...
  4. Saraali

    The Sickly Smell of Surrender

    The interview with Ehsanulla was recorded earlier (she said this in the beginning)
  5. Saraali

    Pakistan should be taken out of bloodshed, led towards peace: TTP Punjab

    Everyone (but Laal topi joker) is talking about peace and talks! That is the only way forward I think
  6. Saraali

    Shoe thrown on Iranian Leader In Egypt

    Video taken off? Not playing. Did it hit? I used to like this guy but after Syria, I dont! He was very charismatic though
  7. Saraali

    PAF bases put on high alert

    I thought crackers were "patakhas"? Grenades are more dangerous and lethal, right? Maybe terrorist wantet to create a diversion?
  8. Saraali

    pakistanis bowled out on record 49 runs

    :hitwall: not watching any more test matches now!! Hashim Amlaa.. Y U NO COME AND BAT FOR PAKISTAN??!! (insert meme here.. lols)
  9. Saraali

    Ghaher 313 fighter

    WoW!! Even if its copied, at least they made it themselves!! On fox news with video: Ahmadinejad unveils Iran's newest combat jet | Fox News
  10. Saraali

    Peace Talks with the Militants

    Peace MUST be given a chance. We should accept TTP demands, establish peace and then strategically locate and kill their leaders :D Peace MUST be given a chance. We should accept TTP demands, establish peace and then strategically locate and kill their leaders :D
  11. Saraali

    pakistanis bowled out on record 49 runs

    Urghhhhh! Why is it whenever I watch Pakistan bat (which is not often), they collapse!!! :hitwall: why oh why?!
  12. Saraali


    I find it sad that we cannot do anything against the drones :(
  13. Saraali

    Karachi: 4 ‘TTP men’ held by AEC

    Wow. So this is the new US propaganda wing I read about targeting social media and forums? Hmm, congrats to the US team. Instead of pouring money here, if you could help people in the poor areas or if only you could stop the gazillion wars you started, wouldn't these terrorist be stopped before...
  14. Saraali

    Acts of Terrorism in Pakistan

    ^^ can you please provide the source (web link). thanks
  15. Saraali

    BBC: India 'provoked Kashmir clash after woman crossed LoC'.

    Is it really true some stupid politicians and army men in India are advising Kashmiris to build bunkers for a possible nuclear showdown? How mad can they be???
  16. Saraali

    TTP will not attack Pakistan Army

    ^ If your quote is right, does that mean our brave Army soldiers also committed suicide during Pak/India war of 65 when they blew up tanks by strapping bombs to themselves or are they just stories? I am not a religious scholar but in my view, if suicide bombing is done against a legitimate...
  17. Saraali

    Body of Afghan 'spy' found in South Waziristan: Officials

    Just curious... How do they catch a spy in waziristan? As there is no technology and once the spy puts a chip or transmits the coordinates, he can become invisible.. who knows who did it? Serious answers pls.
  18. Saraali

    Adiala missing inmates: ISI says terror suspects ‘held on moral grounds’

    Am with the chief justice on this one. We should first improve our law and the people who enforce the law (like police, agencies, govt etc) by education, better pays etc. Teach them forensic skills (maybe they can learn something from the scotland yard here). Only then courts will be able to...
  19. Saraali

    Pakistan to release all Afghan Taliban detainees: FO

    ^They wouldnt want to open another front. They would want peace as well once they re capture afghanistan
  20. Saraali

    Pakistan to release all Afghan Taliban detainees: FO

    Our jails are always ready for more :) Do you think the Army is letting them go without a deal or a card in their hands??!
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