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  1. R

    Gül: Turkey will not accept Iran possessing nuclear weapons

    of course obama will not hve free hand to launch a war, national security council has a word to say ! pentagon has a word to say US army and the chairmaon of joint staff of chienf has a word to say even the CENTCOM has a word to say the congres has a word to say helis hennican is...
  2. R

    Gül: Turkey will not accept Iran possessing nuclear weapons

    iran is a 80 millions pêople country as vas as the FOOR majord country, well armed, well developped with an army of one millions soldiers and 12 millions basidji in arme....... and with 1000 balistic that can reach every point around them, and a good AIR DEFENSE SYSTEME i really would to see...
  3. R

    Gül: Turkey will not accept Iran possessing nuclear weapons

    iran has nuclear anyway... turkey can't do anything against that when iran has nukes turkie will aske nuke from nato on his mainland. the reste is not revellent. an non evenement, turqui buy oil and gaz for iran, and sell them gold. definitivelly they don't care a lot if iran has nuckes...
  4. R

    Gül: Turkey will not accept Iran possessing nuclear weapons

    SO....... abdallah you better look tto the south ..... a country that killed 10 of your... named israel possess 200 nukes and they can use it contray to iran, they are really going to use it fortunatelly pakistan protect the muslim world, and iran will soon joint the nuclear club and then...
  5. R

    What would escalate war with Iran?

    we can i agree i hope,; that we are at the end of this topic and should be bloked. to you mister obama if u or ever one of ur adviers .. here on thos topic we share the multiple warnings on several occasion addressed to Mr president, by the elite of US lilitary by both retired and d'active...
  6. R

    What would escalate war with Iran?

    you r saying bla bla bla only iran successfully intercepted this drone and TWO others .... smallers drons that the only think and say every thing you want do you understand ? everything YOU WANT the only think important is asked in march 2012 by the senat, Gen James Mattis commander in...
  7. R

    What would escalate war with Iran?

    since is not possible iran will have the bomb if israel is foolish enough to use nukes.... the world will place it under UN embargo ,irak-like and secondly iran will respond by chemical, bacteriologicale, radiologicale weapons, and they will put an end to israel as as state and as a people...
  8. R

    What would escalate war with Iran?

    it may be understandable only if you assume that Israel has the ability to really hurt the program, israel does not possess this ability. EMPTY WORDS Said Gaby Ashkenazi IDF chief form ....... air force Col larence wilkerson : " israel simply can do it, simply in a way that make sens."...
  9. R

    What would escalate war with Iran?

    lol israel simply can't reach iran.... as simple as that ..... former cammander of IDF said to mike mullen: " netanyahu's treat are just EMPTY WORDS, israeli military simply doesn't exit " can you understant ??? EMPTY WORDS , by the chairman of IDF illusion, which collapsed...
  10. R

    What would escalate war with Iran?

    what happend my friends??? where is information about you famous MOP: wikipedia in french sorry ! 60 m de béton armé doté d'une résistance mécanique de 35 MPa ( = 5076.3195 psi ) 8 m de béton armé doté d'une résistance mécanique de 69 MPa ( = 10007.6013 ) 40 m de roche...
  11. R

    What would escalate war with Iran?

    however obama will never order a strike for two reason : 1 ineffective 2 catastrophic cost in term of US soldiers lifes 3 economic crash, US people will never forgive obama such a national economique desaster we can ALREADY PREPARE FOR 10TH NUCLEAR ARRIVAL WELCOME IRAN NUCLEAR
  12. R

    What would escalate war with Iran?

    said that to all Us militaries that r unanimous to said: military option is USELESS we can all agree yes, BUT that iran will have nuclear weapons....... liban, palestinians, irak, paksitan, afghanistan and all muslim people with side by iran make no mistake or dreams muslims...
  13. R

    What would escalate war with Iran?

    you r saying bla bla bla only iran successfully intercepted this drone and TWO others .... smallers drons that the only think and say every thing you want do you understand ? everything YOU WANT the only think important is asked in march 2012 by the senat, Gen James Mattis...
  14. R

    What would escalate war with Iran?

    This argument has already been used, this technique has already been used in Iraq and Serbia. it did not work in serbia in iraq or afghanistan and again it will not work in Iran. Gen. James Cartwright "iranian facilities are deep enough They arent 'weapons That can go down there and penetrate...
  15. R

    What would escalate war with Iran?

    we also don't care what you think..... as said Robert Gates : " an attack would make nuclear iran inevitable " it's unlikely that obama will ever order a strike, but even if..... anyway iran will have the bomb. there is simpley no one among intelligency, militari, experts...
  16. R

    What would escalate war with Iran?

    israeli supporters are desesperate.... now they r coming with stupide arument as : israel will nuke iran, israel 7 millions people, will occupy it ( occupy a 80 millions people country lol ) Away from 1500 km. when you read this kind of argument in their right mind, israel is USSR lol. that...
  17. R

    What would escalate war with Iran?

    average income of a Cuban is 20 times lower than That of Iranian year, and the country is rich in natural product used by the people. Cuba must to buy their oil and, gas to driver, and for home, and its chemicals. NOT IRAN SORRY iran is a leading producer of fruit in the world, and the first...
  18. R

    What would escalate war with Iran?

    I will not waste my time to give you a math class idiot, but it is public notoriety that nobody in the world is not going to use a 5000 psi concrete for militaries installations .periode. even for somes civilians building we uses a concrete far more resistant than 5000 psi. and the granite...
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    What would escalate war with Iran?

    60 meters of 5000 psi concrete is not the same thing as as strong granti granit this " Magical" bomb does not even break 8 metere of 10000 psi concret ! from 5000 to 10 000 psi what a decrement !!!!!!! from 60 Metres to 8 metres,division by 8 of his capacity lol in the granit this bomb will...
  20. R

    What would escalate war with Iran?

    they don't because: 1 - the pentagon is opposed, US army also, obama has no free hands 2 - he don't want see american econmy collapsing, and tense of thousand americans die in matter of weeks 3 - it's useless, bombing or not iran will have the ultimate deterrence, if not yet otherwise iran...
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