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    China - The world's hotbed of innovation?

    You don't think china's thievery has helped it out a 'bit' with all that 'innovating' ?:china:
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    China - The world's hotbed of innovation?

    I'll tell you what DOES amaze me about china/hong kong. I ordered a dongle (female usb to male mini usb 3"cable) for my Google Nexus 7 from a place in hong kong. It cost $0.78 with free shipping to Pennsylvania. How the F can they do that ? Shipping alone has got to cost more than $0.78...
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    China - The world's hotbed of innovation?

    Yes, a chinese-style noodle of Japanese origin. I looked it up on Wiki, too. Hey, thanks anyway, china !!:china:
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    China - The world's hotbed of innovation?

    OH JEEZ !!! Let's not forget about the firecracker, too. If not for that, we'd never have a nuclear bomb. HAHAHAHAHA !!! :rofl:
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    China - The world's hotbed of innovation?

    Inside the Chinese Boom in Corporate Espionage By Michael Riley and Ashlee Vance on March 15, 2012 Last June, three men squeezed inside a wind turbine in China’s Gobi Desert. They were employees of American Superconductor Corp. (AMSC), a Devens (Mass.)-based maker of computer systems...
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    China - The world's hotbed of innovation?

    'Hotbed of Innovation'? More like 'Hotbed of Imitation'. China copies, it doesn't invent, therefore it will always be at least a step behind the people they copy from.
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    Germany warns UK against blackmailing EU

    The E.U. is doomed. Britain should cut their loses and get out of that mess.
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    Egypt's hopes betrayed by Morsi

    Well, as Tommy J. said, 'The people get the government they deserve.':tup:
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    Karzai blames foreigners for corruption

    Along with our money, I hope. Karzai is an ungrateful prick. His brother is the biggest crook in afghanistan.
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    Iran's safir jeep capability show, unbelievable.

    You can believe what ever you want, chief. I wouldn't know a 'wahhabi name' from my a-hole. Anyway, the clip is still bogus as is most of irans other claimed 'breakthroughs'.
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    Iran's safir jeep capability show, unbelievable.

    It's just a name I made up. Are you actually 'Pouring Rain' ? And I drive a Wrangler.
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    Iran's safir jeep capability show, unbelievable.

    The first clip was a tricked out Jeep Wrangler and the second clip of 'something' going up a vertical was bogus. More laughable iranian 'inventions'. You guys crack me up. :rofl:
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    Ban on PressTV, HispanTV: Zionist octopus at work

    It's one thing to use the press to manipulate info. Every country does it. But the key to that is the 'info' must be at least semi-believable. PressTV's 'stories' are so outrageous that they're laughable. I love them, though. Great for a laugh.
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    Ban on PressTV, HispanTV: Zionist octopus at work

    The "most obvious B.S." is PressTv itself. :woot:
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    Craziest man on earth - GUN NUTS - What world has been saying about USA....

    With all the suicide bombings in Pakistan, maybe they should ban cars ?
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    Ban on PressTV, HispanTV: Zionist octopus at work

    I LOVE the fairy tales on PressTV. But what I love even more are the people that believe the stuff on it is true. And of course it's all a Zionist conspiracy. What isn't ?:rofl:
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    Why the US , NATO and Israel haven't attacked Iran after 3 decades ?

    You know what ? You're right. I'm an Arab. You caught me.:rofl:
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    Why the US , NATO and Israel haven't attacked Iran after 3 decades ?

    Nah.. we could, easily. Two days and two CBG's and the iranian navy and airforce (unless they run away) 'sleeps with the fishes'.
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