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  1. B

    Former PJAK member: Iran provided weapons for terrorist PKK

    iran defeated in war an had to accept their treaty and about request for assistance every body know that was just for reason for start the war do you know any thing about zandie DYNASTY they were between qajar DYNASTY and afsharie DYNASTY
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    Former PJAK member: Iran provided weapons for terrorist PKK

    i understand what you say but i want tell you kings wanted power but what provoked people to fight and gave up his life was nationalism and this is in our blood not now for many century iranian king stood in two column religious and nationalism they started with religious and finished with...
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    Former PJAK member: Iran provided weapons for terrorist PKK

    oh my god and do u know any thing about zandie or agha mohamad khanghajar ? in they time your azarbaijan was not independent because when russian came to captured that era they fight with iranian soldier and in torkaman chay and golestan treaty separated that era of iran and khanat means...
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    Former PJAK member: Iran provided weapons for terrorist PKK

    i cant take you link becuz this forum don't let me but his coin and his kateb's wrote show that maybe soon i can put link just few comment nadershah have low education and he could read too hard but he could !! in my country there is more than you thinking after arabian invade to iran after...
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    Former PJAK member: Iran provided weapons for terrorist PKK

    sorry but your country is geographical and you keep that with gun my country have history, great history and never we happy for killing and destroying country and people!! i don't know where you find this photo but if you can understand what wrote in this letter you know this is not about our...
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    Former PJAK member: Iran provided weapons for terrorist PKK

    iyes they care about iran there are so many example but just for my turkish friend ;) in past nader shah afshar (your turkish king)speak about iran and be iranian and iranian honor and integrated iran was his glory i tell you again you see your country and speak about my country
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    Former PJAK member: Iran provided weapons for terrorist PKK

    maybe safavi's king were turk , but they built iranian government absolutely !!! they respected to our culture and rebuild our empire when you speak about iran you don't speak about same race just for inform country so called azerbaijan in past (100 year ago) called aran(iran's PROVINCE )...
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    Former PJAK member: Iran provided weapons for terrorist PKK

    you see your country and speak about my country !! yes in your country some turk's tribe migrated to your country and made new empire and wiped out the other language other history or their past they restart people in your country 'these historical dynasties came and gone' but in iran we have...
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    Why Israel Didn’t Win

    maybe in your eyes israel defeated in 1948, 1956, wars and didn't win 1967, 1973 but reality is difference with what you wish
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    Former PJAK member: Iran provided weapons for terrorist PKK

    my friend i understand you are angry for what happen in your country but IRAN is great and ancient country maybe we have problem but in thousand years we were same country and we will be, because we are not iranian for same race or religious we are iranian because we have same history ,honorable...
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    Egypt's Morsi assumes sweeping powers, branded new pharoah

    never give up your right's fight for what belong to you Absolute power=absolutely corrupt
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    Former PJAK member: Iran provided weapons for terrorist PKK

    in 90's yes not now (We helped them when you are in the 90's have destroyed thousands of Kurdish villages) now ,status changed they are our enemy ,too unfortunately turkey have paranoia Turkey are looking for an excuse to justify their military weakness. Last summer we've destroyed their roots...
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    Iran Exporting missile tech to gaza strip ?!

    iran isn't muslim country?
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    Iran's 1st UAV carrying five micro-aircrafts designed

    do u Have missiles? What is range of your missiles? Iranian's UAV flew more than 30 minutes away U.S. aircraft carriers(USS Ronald McDonald) and they can not destroy uav It confirmed by Pentagon UAV was named Ababyl Karrar is aN ucav Look at these (I can not put links give me your...
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