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  1. B

    Time to take a firm stand on the Durand Line

    If you were not then why you hung out together in west? Why you have Desi people association, Desi student association and so forth....why are you speak the same language, practice the same culture--dowry--dola--and...and watch and listen to Bollywood movie and music…to the point if you go...
  2. B

    Time to take a firm stand on the Durand Line

    So basically unless it effects your people..you as a human being are fine with your gov imposing the most backward, Jahleen called Taliban on Afghanistan that will prevent afghan girls and boy to attend school and burn cd and tvs? Soviet were lure in by your government doing uncle Sam bidding...
  3. B

    Time to take a firm stand on the Durand Line

    Zai Nahaq middling in Afghanistan per-date soviet invasion...in fact i still remember his interview on PTV…I must be 4 or 5…but the member is still there….like it was yesterday…where in reference to Afghanistan he said “The pot must be kept burning but must not spill over.” May he rest in...
  4. B

    Time to take a firm stand on the Durand Line

    What is wrong being scissor of colonizing Angrez against a follow Muslim and worst continuing the forward policy of ANgreez for past 60 years....seriously i have no problem with people like you...what i hate is those that talk about Islam...using Islam in favor of successor of Kafir imperialist...
  5. B

    Time to take a firm stand on the Durand Line

    God...what’s wrong to be a Hindu? Are they not human being? Yes we Afghans were Hindu/Bhuddist before Islam...I’m not ashamed of my history. Now the fact is Punjab is major part of Hindustan...go read Baburai Nahmah...your culture, your race and your language are all Indian---Indic---Indo-Aryan...
  6. B

    Time to take a firm stand on the Durand Line

    Tell me one major battle or war you fought against British? In fact you guys faithfully severed the British... even Zai Ul Haq, Ayub Khan, Yahya Khan(he even fought for British in WW2) was an officer in colonist British Indian army. Go read your history...starts with Punjab Regiment, Pathan...
  7. B

    Time to take a firm stand on the Durand Line

    Don't forget it all starts with a dream...a dream to uphold our own identity instead of artificial and imposed one... a dream to value our culture, history and language....why you are so against your own fathers and brothers? Pakistan was created as a country for People of Hindustan cultural...
  8. B

    Time to take a firm stand on the Durand Line

    LOl you are being to sentimental … claim down my friend… or maybe being a Pathan descendent you are over reacting in order to show your loyalty? We afghans want what is simply ours...our bloody enemy Angreez put a line on sand and then our own Muslim brothers---the same Muslim brother that we...
  9. B

    Time to take a firm stand on the Durand Line

    Dude his ancestors were part of Pathan regiment that faithfully fought for Angreez in Iraq, Afghanistan, Jerusalem, WW1 and WW2. I suggest you read about these people…these people are more loyal to king then king himself.
  10. B

    Time to take a firm stand on the Durand Line

    The reason your suffering is b/c of in absent of national coherence in Pakistan, political Islam has been the ONLY means at the Pakistani government's disposal for enduring the life of your country. This is why your government creates Jahadi/Mujahdeen/Taliban even years before soviet invasion of...
  11. B

    Time to take a firm stand on the Durand Line

    So basically you are saying your gov and military are making us Afghan suffer with their cancer that is Taliban because we don't recognize the Angreez imposed Durand line? Thanks for being honest….I always knew the talk of Islam this and Islam that were nothing but a bucket full of Sh&T.... I...
  12. B

    Time to take a firm stand on the Durand Line

    Its not just Afghan but Pashtuns on both side of border...even Taliban do not recognize the durrand line. ---ok so I can not post the link before making 15 post. I will post the link of Taliban stating all the Pashton area are part of Afghanistan once I reach 15 post. Its a legal issue...
  13. B

    Time to take a firm stand on the Durand Line

    Are you really Pashtun or one of those Pathans....if you are Pashtun then i suppose you should be able to read the statement of two major Pashtun parties? Statement from Pashtunkhwa Mili Awami Party (Achakzai's party): لر او ب&#1585...
  14. B

    Time to take a firm stand on the Durand Line

    what are you talking about? I could understand if a Pakistani says that for right or wrong its their country…but you as Afghan? Durrand agreement was NOT between Afghan and Pakistanis..it was between Afghan and ANgreez…..and if you’re one of those Islamist that always talk about Islam this and...
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