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  1. DevilDog

    NATO: Dying Or Already Dead ??? (KIA)

    Today NATO is the world's the leading alliance of the world. And the most active one, even more than EU. BUT now I see that it's not as active and aggressive as than it was used to be during the Cold War. And we still wait for UN Resolutions to act. If we look into the last deployments like...
  2. DevilDog

    TOP 10 Military Forces (NOT the countries or SOFs)

    Yes as I mentioned there top 10 groups full of badasses. It took hours to make it. But it was worth for it there we go; 1- United States Marine Corps (US) 2- VMD Russian Airborne (RUS) 3- Alp Legion (FR) 4- Royal Marines (UK) 5- PARA Commandos (IND) 6- German Armored Divisions...
  3. DevilDog

    The Real Stories Of Real Warriors

    I've been always wondered that how much love do we have to our fallen. The ones who gave the ultimate sacrifice. Would I make that sacrifice? Yes, I would just as how the others did. I just wanna share you the story of 2 fallen Medal Of Honor R. US Marines. You can also share stories from your...

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