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  1. M

    14 August Wallpaper.

    Happy Independence Day of Pakistan to all pakistanis around the world. May Allah save our country.
  2. M

    PTI facing intra-party woes

    PTI was growing as powerful and influential political party, but I don't know but past few months people are having negative view. There might be Media Channel responsibility to just show fight of PML-N and PTI nowadays and allegations are most dangerous way to build negative image. I wish PTI...
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    Attack on PAF Base Minhas

    I totally agree with your view. Another thing I just found about our Media who never have spoken against India / US openly. I don't know why but everyone know ground facts.
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    How did India come in?

    I think Leon Panetta just have given a political view to ensure relationship build with Pakistan. But face is that America can't be friend of any country in this world.
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    Taliban infiltrate Afghan security forces

    Just think about the fear in AISAF / NATO Forces troops, I think that could be Taliban policy which is executing nowadays .. resulting many American soldiers death. :yahoo:
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    'Golden Buddha' from India adds sheen to China town

    Sounds good ... But Indian r very smart ... :)
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    London Olympic 2012-discussion

    I wish that cricket must be added in Olympics games
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    Picture of the Day

    wao ... so lovely picture. really nice
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    Pakistani Fashion

    its really nice share .. Pakistan's Fashion industry is growing
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    EID-ul-ADHA 2011 Mubarik to all Muslims | Some Poetry

    Advance Eid ul Fitr Mubarak to All Muslim World
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