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  1. R

    Gwadar - A Jewel in the Crown

    gawadar is so important for us n our economic national position
  2. R

    Who would be the best President for Pakistan right now?

    the persons never matter for the change system give the change and in history president musharraf was a creative mind president who runs on the reports
  3. R


    politics can go in right path if democracy come at grass root levels the pak army is the best way of democracy our young man should have the army training.it will polish our future generations in a good way and united approach
  4. R


    THE politics in pakistan is dirty the politicans do nothing for the country if army or civil people love pakistan they all should do some personel efforts for our mother land
  5. R

    Attack on Srilankan cricket team in Lahore

    the team was our guest and any body did it is wrong, this is done by by the negative approach sources in pakistan
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