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  1. R

    The essence of the facts.......2

    Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon himworshiped God (the Father) alone, like Christ and all the prophets before him Therefore, the prophets lived spiritually with the true God. The Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, had scientific miracles that scientists have proven to be true...
  2. R

    The essence of the facts.......2

    \\\\\\\\\ نصراني يفاجئ مسلمًا بأسئلة غير معتادة ثم كانت نهاية سعيدة | محمد علي مسلم يفحم فرنسية تتغنى بالقيم الفرنسية وتدعي أنها ليست عنصرية مناظرة ملحمية!! 🤯🔥🇦🇺 أسترالي مسيحي يحاول تعليم الشيخ عثمان لكنه يندم فوراً!! "✝️🔥 هل يمكن إثبات أن المسيح...
  3. R

    The essence of the facts.......2

    \\\\\\\\\\\\\ peace be upon him It means respect and love for the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him We also say it to the Prophet Jesus, peace be upon him We also say it to the Prophet Moses,peace be upon him And for all the prophets from Adam to the last prophet...
  4. R

    The essence of the facts.......2

    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ *****The glad tidings of the beloved Prophet Muhammad, Peace be upon him, in the books of previous religions (B) ✍️ ✍️ ✍️ ✍️ ------------------------------- They were repeated in the Old Testament, the New Testament, and the books of other religions Phrases...
  5. R

    The essence of the facts.......2

    *****The glad tidings of the beloved Prophet Muhammad, Peace be upon him, in the books of previous religions (A) ✍️ ✍️ ✍️ ✍️ ------------------------------- They were repeated in the Old Testament, the New Testament, and the books of other religions Phrases, signs, and indications...
  6. R

    The essence of the facts.......2

    The lineage of Christ The Qur’an, the revelation of God, defends all of God’s prophets and denies them the shortcomings and abnormalities that the distorters of the Gospel writers attributed to them in their books. While we find that: The Gospel describes all of the prophets with the...
  7. R

    The essence of the facts.......2

    أمريكية تبكي عند إسلامها ج2 | محمد علي عقلي مع الإسلام لكن قلبي مع النصرانية | نصرانية محترمة تسأل محمد علي نهاية مذهلة لا تفوتك! مسلم مرتد يعيد النظر في قراراته بعد حديث مع حمزة وعباس منصِّر عربي جاء ليمنع شخص عن الإسلام فأمسك به الشيخ عثمان وأفحمه...
  8. R

    The essence of the facts.......2

    Submission to Allah (the Father) alone as all the prophets did Adam, Jesus, Moses, Muhammad and others, peace be upon them He (peace be upon him) submitted to this position of a slave of Allah, being submissively obedient to Him concerning all that He orders and prohibits, although the...
  9. R

    The essence of the facts.......2

    Khadija Offered to marry her a lot of honorable men in Mecca But Then the preference of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him Are not gaining in wealth - high morals Khadija asked to marry the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him A result of his sincerity, honesty and rare ethics...
  10. R

    The essence of the facts.......2

    Muhammad ibn (son of) Abdullah ibn (son of) Abdul Mutalib, was born on 12 Rabi 'Awwal in the year 570 C.E. (Christian Era) in Makkah, (today: Saudi Arabia) and he died in 633 C.E. in Yathrib (today: Madinah, Saudi Arabia) In Arabic the word prophet (nabi) is derived from the word naba which...
  11. R

    The essence of the facts.......2

    زوجان مؤدبان يسألان ش.عثمان بن فاروق عن الإسلام هندوسيون يسألون عثمان بن فاروق عن الشيعة وطالبان نصارى يدعون ان إله المسلمين قام بالكذب في القرآن فأعطاهم الشيخ عثمان درساً لن ينسوه بابا الفاتيكان يطرد قس باحث عن الحقيقة من الكانيسة بسبب اسئلته المحرجه
  12. R

    The essence of the facts.......2

    The answer for us Muslims is in ‘Aaya 21:23, He is never to be questioned about any act of His while they( people) are to be questioned for their acts. Allah has given us the messages through his own words in the Quran , and then appointed prophets and Messengers from among us to explain the...
  13. R

    The essence of the facts.......2

    Why did the Prophet Muhammad have several wives The Prophet of Islam (pbuh) facing his detractors There is not a person in history who has been attacked as much as the Prophet Muhammad was, he was attacked in his life and even after his death, Yet a sincere reading in his life proves that...
  14. R

    The essence of the facts.......2

    Praise be to Allaah. The signs and portents of the Day of Resurrection are the things that will happen before the Resurrection takes place and will indicate that it is close at hand. They have been divided into lesser and greater signs. The lesser signs, for the most part, will occur a long...
  15. R

    The essence of the facts.......2

    \\\\\\\\\\\\\ Allah the name of God actually Allah is the name itself of The Most Supreme Creator, the Lord of the worlds which is also uniquely synonymous too since with this word Allah by all semetic religions (see video below for proofs) was referred only to the Creator of the worlds...
  16. R

    The essence of the facts.......2

    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ فتاة بريطانية تصدم والدها المسيحي بإعلان إسلامها أمامه، وتجعله عاجزاً عن الكلام فتاة مذهولة من حقوق المرأة في الإسلام - ركن المتحدثين زائر يسأل الشيخ عثمان : هل الشيعة مسلمون؟ ملحدة تركت المسيحية ولا تصدق إلا العلم لكن الشيخ عثمان...
  17. R

    The essence of the facts.......2

    Scientific Miracles in the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad The Coccyx (The Tailbone) The Coccyx is the last bone in the vertebral column. It was mentioned in many Hadiths that this bone is the origin of humans and the seed from which they will be resurrected on the Day of Judgment and that this part...
  18. R

    The pure water

    Why do Muslims perform the Journey of Hajj? Ahmed Deedat - Why non muslims are not allowed in mecca ? حلم قاده إلى الإسلام .. قسيس سابق يروي قصة إسلامه المؤثرة أثناء أدائه مناسك الحج (مترجم) أمريكية تعتنق الإسلام وتعاتب المسلمين"لما ذا لم يخبرنا أحد عن هذا؟" مقـطع جـد...
  19. R

    The essence of the facts.......2

    أخبروني شيئًا عن الإسلام! أمريكية عبقرية مندهشة من الإسلام، شمسى إمرأة نصرانية تقدِّم أغرب إدعاء فأحرجها منصور فاستعانت بصديقها ليحرجه هو الآخر لماذا الإسلام يحرم الشذوذ! طالبة بريطانية وشمسي يخجّل أمريكي زوجته بعد أن أحرجه منصور أمام عيناها P 1 يدخلون...
  20. R

    The essence of the facts.......2

    Varan mountains- except that they were a place where the sons of Ishmael lived. “God was with the boy and dwelt in the wilderness, and he used to cultivate an archer with a bow, and he dwelt in the desert of Varan, (Genesis 21: 18-21), then the Old Testament mentioned that Ishmael's sons dwelt...
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