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    Facebook post leads to US soldier's resignation

    why dosent obama goes and fights in afghanistan on front line since he is commander in chief......tell me honestly gambit....commander in chief is supposed to be more brave than people who follow his orders or not?
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    Pakistan possesses various ICBMs which have a range of 9000+ kilometres

    listen son..economy is nothing......kuwait had economy,oil and money but no defence..hence saddam occupied it in 24 hours..... just like your country bangladesh....the sort of defence you have...hell even burma can occupy you. North Korea has zero economy...yet no one dares to occupy it since it...
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    Drunk American Marines fighting on USS Denver

    lets wait for gambit to come and defend it.
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    Drunk American Marines fighting on USS Denver

    :lol: ********.com - Drunk Marines fighting
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    The USS Abraham Lincoln

    what if united states dis-integrates like soviet union....which state will own this carrier?new york?......israel?:undecided:
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    JF-17 Fighter Slated for Block-2 Upgrades in 2012

    is China building aesa radar?
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    Pakistan possesses various ICBMs which have a range of 9000+ kilometres

    imran khan should give the signal to launch 10,000 Kilometer ICBM
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