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  1. I

    Will IAF have an edge over PAF in advanced air weaponry?

    i think we are missing the point here.if we go back in history we see that machines do not necessarily win wars..its always the men..I think pakistani pilots r better trained n more talented than foolish indians.As such we can match them even with lessere sophisticaed weapons.The search should...
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    India’s secret ICBM ambitions

    Deltacamelately u know how to calculate...Thanks.Yeah.we r obviously stonger.The pakistanis r united n efficient.n v ve better training n talent.Also v r warriors of Islam.dunno abt u guys.hehe .If u check the military history u will see that m right..PAF vs IAF in 1971 or IA vs PA in 65 or 71
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    Ancient History not Appreciated by Pakistanis?

    We are one peolpe, body mind and soul.Indians r liars..this swami guy doesnt know nuts..Gud they banned him..I say v should ban all indians..They ve nohing but trash to write..Saraswati...haha...I think Indus valley civilisation should be renamed Muhammad civilisation or something similar to...
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    India’s secret ICBM ambitions

    Even if they drink whiskey and speak queens language wat is that to others..They fight bravely and have proved their worth..one pakistani is worth 10 indians..
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    Al-Qaeda warns India of new attacks

    I really dont understand this stability concept...How is US stabilizing the region..By waging war against innocents...by bombing ad killing women n children..it was more peaceful when Taliban was in power in Afghanistan..Atleast we were living in peace..Taliban is any day better than US
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    For Holbrooke, Situation in Pakistan, Afghanistan Is 'Dim and Dismal'

    Even germany has extremists..Reently there was a beheading in frankfurt..Although the police managed to catch the culprit...Every country has got problems..v r late in modernisation..thanks to hindu doublespeak till day of freedom..we are working towards a stable society but u indians are...
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    Taliban says Polish hostage beheaded in Pakistan

    not only RAW but also CIA.they r two big evils.America is a bigger evil.See wat its doing to our Pashtun brothers...They will meet their Vietnam fate here.We only need to support themSame thing that US did when USSR invaded Afghanistan
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    Taliban says Polish hostage beheaded in Pakistan

    Wat was he doing here anyway..when these guys know n propagate that pakistan is dangerous n evil then y come here..i think if he had been hanged or shot noone would ve said anything..its only because of the shariat killing that they ve problems.These people r only anti islam.N v aren weak like...
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    Al-Qaeda warns India of new attacks

    Pakistan should defend its citizens...The politicians in this country suck..We should march shoulder to shoulder with the brave pashtuns n kick US outta here..
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    Which plane will Delhi pick for $10 Billion 126 plane bid?

    I wouldnt rule the american planes out so fast..US has got strings attached but if u ook at the spate of acquisitions there has been more n more stuff entering India from US or their client state Israel..The trend s in their favour certainly but on a purely military basis rafael will win... or...
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    Al-Qaeda warns India of new attacks

    I say US iskilling pakistanis..those who live in FATA are pakistani citizens.US has no right to bomb them or for that matter to do anything.And they certainly aren Al Qaeda.Al Qaeda s just a name that US has ramed to murder anyone who opposes them...They r only innocent Pashtuns defending their...
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    Which plane will Delhi pick for $10 Billion 126 plane bid?

    It is a politico-military dcision i think..the contract is too big for only one aspect to be loked into..they wil choose rafael if they want a real gud figher without getting either US or Russia upset.Gud experience with mirage plus no spare problems r other advantages. F18 if they got lots of...
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