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  1. J

    Indian Economy - News & Updates - Archive

    According to article which posted on 15th Feb 2009 at "The Economic Times" The Indian economy will turn in the second-fastest growth rate in the world after China's 8% for 2008-09, according to the advance estimates of national income released by the Central Statistical Organisa-tion (CSO)...
  2. J

    Investors in India lose Rs one trillion on budget day

    As I read one article on Indian Budget, I would like to give you some basic information on Indiad budget. According to that article, India's Budget - India's public finance system follows the British pattern. The Indian constitution establishes the supremacy of the bicameral...
  3. J

    How do part time real estate agent make money when their not selling homes?

    The number of people who are able to support themselves and their family in the residential real estate business are comparable to the number of football players who can do likewise. Therefore, almost everyone is part-time. Some don't rely on their real estate sales commissions but do it as a...
  4. J

    What is the difference between a real estate broker and real estate agent?

    a broker can have their own business and make overrides from other agents. An agent works under a broker. In my company I let the agent act like a broker, and let them over ride other agents, but without the headaches of being a broker. We need to talk. debjim.com
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