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  1. solbadguy

    China issues advisory on India visit day ahead of Krishna's vist

    Too bad they don't listen to people in China. :lol:
  2. solbadguy

    China issues advisory on India visit day ahead of Krishna's vist

    Ooh! an advisory..scary. Now we will lose the revenue we generate from the 10 Chinese tourists that visit India every year.
  3. solbadguy

    Tata Motors to set up second light vehicles unit in Bangladesh

    Then don't buy them. You get what you pay for.
  4. solbadguy

    Touching video - Exodus of Kashmiri Pandits from Valley.

    There's no place called Gujrat in India, there's one in Pakistan though.
  5. solbadguy

    Three giant spaceships to attack Earth in 2012?

    Whoa. No shyte!
  6. solbadguy

    Pakistan needs more nukes?

    It takes money to maintain a nuclear arsenal.
  7. solbadguy

    Invasion of India: Doc

    You are not good at debating, are you? the poster you quoted said he didn't believe in AIT and you countered by an argument based on the premise that Aryans invaded. Millions even. Chinese came before dinosaurs.
  8. solbadguy

    Indian origin sweep the US National Geographic bee competition

    This ones for posterity. :lol:
  9. solbadguy

    Indian origin sweep the US National Geographic bee competition

    Wow. Yes, the all have two legs and are classified as Homo Sapiens. Yes. They evolved on different planets.
  10. solbadguy

    Indian origin sweep the US National Geographic bee competition

    Yes. That is true. You a scientist? Geography, Literature and Medicine are useless fields anyways, eh comrade?
  11. solbadguy

    Collapse of Darwinism : Theory of Evolution

    So a YouTube video with an edited title uploaded by a person with a username IrresponsibleAtheism, is a legitimate source? And the guy, Michio kaku visible on the thumbnail is a proponent of human civilization ascending to Godhood. You still agree with him?
  12. solbadguy

    Indian origin sweep the US National Geographic bee competition

    Of course and the script writers told you so. Or perhaps I missed the I-represent-all-of-East-Asia-badge on his shoulder. So, a Korean-American playing a Japanese character. Where does China come into play?
  13. solbadguy

    Indian origin sweep the US National Geographic bee competition

    If you mean Hikaru Sulu, he is Japanese not Chinese. Guess you can't differentiate between East-Asians. Study geography instead of watching TV.
  14. solbadguy

    Height of Pakistanis has fallen 4 inches over 50 years, say experts

    Or perhaps they make do with smaller contraceptives, would make a lot of sense.
  15. solbadguy

    Height of Pakistanis has fallen 4 inches over 50 years, say experts

    Here's the source the article you mentioned used. Average Male Height By Country Updated (official data)Scientific research: A random researcher(unverified) on a random forum. Who inturn has used Wikipedia as a reference, but Wikipedia has no reference to Pakistani average height...
  16. solbadguy

    Who are Wahabbi? What is Wahabbism?

    I apologize for the typo. It must have cause severe difficulty in understanding the statement I assume.
  17. solbadguy

    Who are Wahabbi? What is Wahabbism?

    There's a point beyond which stupidity becomes contagious, this is that.
  18. solbadguy

    India offers US$200 million aid to Bangladesh

    Beggars can't be choosers, really. Let's start with dismantling the dam over Yarlung Tsango brick by brick then.
  19. solbadguy

    Chinese Agent Caught while Stealing F-22 stealth Technology.

    Chinese aren't exactly ruled by a King. They call it Chairperson.
  20. solbadguy

    Kashmir: Declare Ahmadis non-Muslims: Grand Mufti

    Funny, since its the image you posted in your comment that is actually doing the finger pointing. That includes allowing the Ahmadis to practice their faith freely? I'd call it holocaust 2.0. Do you really want to go there? How insightful! Indian constitution > Whimsical egomaniacs. If...
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