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  1. K

    Attack on PAF Base Minhas

    I read it on another forum:
  2. K

    14th August v/s 15th august

    Pakistan and India were given independent through an act of the British parliment called the Indian Independence Act 1947, which can still be seen on their website. It clearly states: BE it enacted by the King's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords...
  3. K

    PAEC or KRL

    IMHO the organization PAEC or KRL is not important. What is important is the part of organization and the nature of job you are assigned to. Also remember that in PAEC you can be posted in different parts of Pakistan; not so in KRL. If you want to leave after 5 years then try to get posted to...
  4. K

    Talat Hussain on MQM politics

    Well I lived in Karachi during the 80s and the 90s and I have personally seen the reign of terror of the MQM. I find it difficult not to hate the MQM... Sometime in the 80s, when I was 6-7 years old, MQM terrorists came in our residential compound at night to kill a PPP guy. I woke up by the...
  5. K

    Trial of Kayani for not defending Pakistan

    Who in 'Pakistan' demands more drone strikes? If it is Kiyani who demands more drone strikes from USA then he does so under which law of Pakistan? In that case isn't he a worse traitor than Shakeel Afridi in eyes of the law of Pakistan? If Pakistan army cannot even 'enter' an area inside...
  6. K

    Missing in Action

    source Missing in action | Herald Gulzar Dars, a low-ranking official in the Pakistan Army deployed at Chhor Garrison in Sindh’s Umerkot district, has not returned home since late 2008. When his brother, Isa Dars, visited the garrison in the summer of 2009 to find out what happened, an army...
  7. K

    Pakistan's spy agency ISI faces court over disappearances

    You are missing the point: have you ever heard of CIA committing human rights violations of American citizens inside the US? Have you ever heard of RAW committing human rights violations of Hindus in India? No one in Pakistan would have raised an alarm if ISI was torturing and killing in...
  8. K

    How A Few Pakistanis Conspire Against Pakistan Military And ISI

    Aren't conspiracies hatched in secret? It is a public twitter discussion about what they really feel on this issue. So if some one does not agree with COAS and DG ISI on memogate affair and support the Government then they are traitors and enemies of the state? These PakNationalists are crazy...
  9. K

    Taliban video speaks of ‘revenge on military’

    Can't the ISI/MI infiltrate TTP and other terrorist groups and then assassinate their top leadership in some way with the help of SSG? Do we really need artillery and attack helicopters? Cant we penetrate and dismantle TTP and other groups in some clandestine way? I mean it is hard for...
  10. K

    168 retired armed forces officers join APML Pakistan first forum

    Now Musharraf supporters have to tell lies to make their point! Just one question: When did $200/barrel oil hike happen?
  11. K

    Norway security chief quits in PAK agents row

    Although she resigned because she blurted out things she should not have, she was already under pressure to quit because of failure to prevent 22 July terrorist attack by Anders Behring Breivik. Here is analysis from a Norwegian newspaper translated using Google Translate: Source
  12. K

    Army Rejects Gillani Claims - Gillani sacks Defence Secretary

    PPP government is at odds with both the supreme court on NRO issue and the army on memo issue at the same time. Looks like its curtains for the government! But Zardari sure has balls :P
  13. K

    Can't live with them, can't live without them

    While Xeric has asked some pertinent questions and I agree with some of them, I have my own concern with this article. His whole article is based on the core assumption that the Pak army / ISI is free from external (American) influence and they are doing ALL they can to defend Pakistan against...
  14. K

    Taliban receiving Pakistan military equipment, U.S. investigation reveals

    We do not know whether Pakistan actually gave weapons to Taliban. But what is wrong with giving weapons to Taliban if it is in best strategic interest of Pakistan and since the "Taliban is not America's enemy"?
  15. K

    The name "jew" lands pakistani christian in trouble.

    I suspect that the story does not tell the whole truth but it is written to elicit a certain response from the readers. Regular readers of ET can vouch that they portray every crime against minorities in Pakistan as a hate crime by extremists. ET first gives an impression that he was...
  16. K

    Head Price of Musharraf 10 Crore Rs ; Talal Bugti

    If some one manages to kill Musharraf, he/she will become another "Mumtaz Qadri" in Pakistan.
  17. K

    Who is the worst CM of Pakistan?

    I think that the PPP CM of Sindh does not want to do anything for Karachi because, like you said he is a puppet, he knows that his party will not get any votes from there and their coalition partners MQM will take all the credit.
  18. K

    Who is the worst CM of Pakistan?

    The most incompetent IMHO is Nawab Aslam Raisani. BTW did Qaim Ali Shah disappoint you in bed?
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