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  1. S

    IDF/AF 2nd Best Air force in the World

    Well, IDF can be thought as 3rd of 4th best airforce but not 2nd. Also Isreal exist because of USA support. Soon a developing country like Pakistan will surpass their GDP. They have very small area and resources and they are venurable. Just think without USA support world can put...
  2. S

    Need For Ultimate Defence

    Well freeman! Me and my whole extended family lives in USA, so I don't want any country to nuke USA. But on other hand, USA is trying to bully the world and I share the vision of multi-polar world instead of a single cow boy ruling the world. I am not suggesting same kind of cold war as...
  3. S

    Need For Ultimate Defence

    Helo Sha123. The geo political situation is changing rapidly and USA is more interested in keeping India as "principal ally" in region even at cost of Pakistan if it comes down to this. There are two reasons. One is that they need a base to counter red dragons in north( China +Russia) and...
  4. S

    Need For Ultimate Defence

    Well slugger! No country is invincible. I also think that countries with comparable strenth never directly fight with each other like Russia and USA. It is aways strong against weak. As for economy; Just see example of Russia. Even USA has 10-15 times more defence budget but Russia is...
  5. S

    Need For Ultimate Defence

    :pdf: We do have 100+ nukes and missilies but we still feel week against out so called ally. The reason is unless we can hit them back hard; we can not feel safe. The issues I want to raise. 1. Is there is any plan to made ICMB. We should do it secretly but we do need it. 2. In new...
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