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  1. M

    China concerns (planned US and SK war games)

    Chinese military strategists Sunday gave a mixed interpretation of a planned joint military drill by the US and South Korean navies, reportedly due to start today in the Yellow Sea, with some warning that it would risk challenging China's strategic bottom line and its coastal defense, while some...
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    A case of a student becomes a mentor.....

    In the 1990s, Chinese manufacturing capabilities were so far behind that Russia believed their lead would never disappear. But with Russian military manufacturing largely stalled for the last two decades, and the Chinese economy booming (over 10 percent growth per year), the Russians are...
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    Asian Power: MONEY

    SINGAPORE : Asia-Pacific millionaires are collectively worth more than their European counterparts for the first time, with the rich in China and India leading the way, a study said Wednesday. The report on high-net worth individuals (HNWIs) -- defined as anyone with investible assets of at...
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    SCO is useless -> can't do sh*t

    BACKGROUND: The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) is an intergovernmental international organization founded in Shanghai on 15 June 2001 by six countries: China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. Its member states cover an area of over 30 million km2, or about...
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    China Indonesia (strategic ties)

    Hong Kong, China — China’s success in establishing a “strategic partnership” with Southeast Asian countries has relied heavily on its effective diplomacy with Indonesia, which it has pursued diligently in recent years. Indonesia had a strong anti-China policy in the...
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    China's strategic ties with Indonesia

    Webmaster please delete this one. Thanks.
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    PLA can only cheer NK

    China may be the world's most populous country and its new sporting powerhouse -- winning the most gold medals at the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing. But its prowess at soccer is lamentable. China is ranked 84th in soccer's world standings, just ahead of Mozambique. Chinese are huge soccer...
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    PLA can only cheer NK

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    Yuan to be internationalized to replace USD?

    BEIJING: China is entering into a new and powerful form of relationship with Pakistan. It has decided to allow Pakistan to participate in cross-border trade using the Chinese Yuan as the base currency in dealing with the western Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. The central government in...
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    New Japan PM could be good for China?

    PM Yukio Hatoyama is forced to resign because he faltered over broken campaign pledges to remove an American base from Okinawa. It proves once again Japan is submissive to the US military (what can Japan do as an occupied country?). His successor could be veterans Naoto Kan, the finance...
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    How some See "South Korea Warship Sinking Event"

    The answer has much to do with the electoral fortunes of South Korea’s ruling Grand National Party, and the party’s need to marshal support for a tougher stance on the North. Lurking in the wings are US arms manufacturers who stand to profit if South Korean president Lee Myung-bak wins public...
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    PLAAF vs. USAF

    Engines screaming, China’s most advanced fighter jets took off, soared into a vertical climb, spun into rolls and veered off into a clear blue sky leaving a trail of smoke and the acrid smell of aviation fuel in its wake. The 24th Fighter Division of the Chinese Air Force yesterday showed off...
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    Transportation: China #1

    Shipbuilding: According to Chosun Ilbo, South Korea's shipbuilding industry is suffering from insufficient orders due to the serious financial crisis, and China will replace South Korea as the world's largest shipbuilding country. China's shipbuilding has overtaken South Korea's in terms of...
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    China please save the children

    China has witnessed a series of assaults by knife-wielding attackers on schools in recent years. Many have been blamed on personal grudges or people with psychiatric problems: April 30, 2010: A farmer attacked and injured five kindergarten students with a hammer in Shandong province's Weifang...
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    China's nuclear warheads should match the US and Russia

    HISTORY: The United States issued several nuclear threats against the People's Republic of China in the 1950s to force the evacuation of outlying islands and the cessation of attacks against Quemoy and Matsu, part of Republic of China. Recently declassified documents from the National...
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    China undersea tunnel

    QINGDAO, April 28 (Xinhua) -- Major digging finished Wednesday on an undersea tunnel linking the east and west parts of Qingdao, a coastal city of east China’s Shandong Province, said local authorities. It is China's second undersea tunnel, with the first, which opened Monday to traffic...
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    No more provocative reports on PRC from Pentagon

    The Pentagon is nearly two months late in releasing its 2010 report on China's military buildup, and defense officials say the White House is holding up the release. According to the officials, National Security Council aides are opposed to publishing new details on China's decade-long...
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    No-Go Zone for US Fleet

    Nov. 17 (Bloomberg) -- China’s military is close to fielding the world’s first anti-ship ballistic missile, according to U.S. Navy intelligence. The missile, with a range of almost 900 miles (1,500 kilometers), would be fired from mobile, land-based launchers and is “specifically designed to...
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    PLA armed with college graduates

    The People's Liberation Army (PLA) and the Ministry of Education plan to open an online recruitment service for the first time to mobilize college graduates this year, a move seen as an effort to sharpen the army's high-tech edge. The PLA plans to recruit some 150,000 college graduates this...
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    Foreign students in China '09

    China's Ministry of Education said Monday that the number of foreign students in the Chinese mainland reached more than 230,000 last year, the highest since the founding of New China. The figure was up about 6.6 percent from the previous year, the ministry said. This figure was still far...
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