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  1. W

    Russia’s Metro Bombings- Monsters from the American id?

    I usually read your Forum with interest but don't comment unless I feel my contribution can clarify or be constructive. As a retired Colonel, who can claim to be a Brigadier, I still retain sufficient intelligence to know what disinformation and black propaganda looks like. Firstly, check...
  2. W


    I don't know a great deal about the areas involved but much more about Islamic intentions. Walk quietly and carry a big stick!
  3. W

    US Analyst: CIA / US is behind ALL insurgency and terrorism in Pakistan

    Winston Tarpley is a conspiracy theorist of the lowest variety. I suggest anyone interested in him should use search engines to find his details. I bet you didn't know the Reichsstag fire of 1933 was engineered by the CIA, which was not formed until the late 1940s. That's reverse engineering...
  4. W

    Pakistan: A Revolution, A civil War or a United States Sponsored Terrorism?

    I am a retired academic but we never stop learning. This is my first visit to the forum. I found the article rather interesting and the writer provides me with an interesting counterbalance to other media views. This might appear pedantic but for maximum impact, I strongly recommend shorter...
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