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  1. zzzz

    10 U.S. shale-oil stocks getting crushed the most today

    The decision by OPEC on Thursday not to cut oil production, despite a price decline of over 30% since June, means U.S. shale-oil producers may soon find business to be unprofitable. Hydraulic fracturing is far more expensive than simply pumping from oil wells that tap into huge reserves close...
  2. zzzz

    Iraq PM Confirms $4,2 Bln Arms Deal with Russia

    MOSCOW, October 9 (RIA Novosti) Russia will deliver attack helicopters and mobile air-defense systems to Iraq in arms deals worth $4.2 billion signed earlier this year, it was disclosed today during a visit to Moscow by Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki in which he met his counterpart Prime...
  3. zzzz

    New cruise missiles for Russian Yasen-class sub

    The Russian Yasen-class nuclear-powered submarine Severodvinsk will be equipped with unique sophisticated cruise missiles, a source in Russia’s military-industrial complex said on Tuesday. The source said that the Kalibr supersonic high-precision missile is capable of targeting aerial...
  4. zzzz

    Russia warns Saudi Arabia to stop the violence against religious minorities

    Interfax-Religion Moscow, July 12, Interfax - Moscow hopes that the Saudi authorities will take measures to stabilize the situation in the country's eastern districts and will prevent new interfaith clashes there, Konstantin Dolgov, the Russian Foreign Ministry's envoy for human rights...
  5. zzzz

    Yasen submarines to be equipped with hypersonic missles with 1000km range

    Lenta.ru: Russia will get seven submarines "Yasen" by 2021 The total cost of seven submarines exceeds 200 billion rubles. As the source of ITAR-TASS, a single nuclear submarine of project 885M cost two times more than Project 955 "Borey". "Project 885M submarines will be equipped with...
  6. zzzz

    Nasrallah to Assange: US & Israel want civil war in Syria

    Hezbollah urged the Syrian opposition to engage in dialogue with Assad's regime, but they refused. *Hezbollah leader Sayyid Nasrallah confirmed this in his first interview in six years, the world premiere of Julian Assange’s The World Tomorrow on RT. Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah told Assange...
  7. zzzz

    Putin Praises Eurasian Union

    Russian President-elect Vladimir Putin hailed on Wednesday the creation of a common economic space between Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan as the biggest geopolitical event for the region since the collapse of the Soviet Union. "The creation of the Customs Union and a common economic space is...
  8. zzzz

    New Russian Stealth Tank to Have Remotely Controlled Gun Turret

    Russia’s future main battle tank (MBT) will be equipped with a remotely controlled gun, the Izvestia newspaper said on Monday citing a defense industry source. The gun will be digitally controlled by a crewmember located in a separate compartment, which would be made from composite materials...
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