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  1. Janubaba

    Iran Threatens to cut oil supplies to India

    Iran threatens to cut oil supply to India: Report India and Iran's relationship is getting worse
  2. Janubaba

    UK Sending more warplanes

    BBC News - UK to send four more RAF Tornados to Libya UK is sending more warplanes for Libya
  3. Janubaba


    US military deaths in Afghanistan at 1,552 - US news - msnbc.com American Casualties are more than 1500 in Afghanistan
  4. Janubaba

    Dozens Dead as Taliban Raid in Nuristan

    BBC News - Afghanistan: Dozens dead after Taliban raid in Nuristan Taliban are increasing in every way
  5. Janubaba

    USA Draw down from Afghanistan to start slow

    US: Drawdown in Afghanistan to begin slowly - World news - South and Central Asia - Afghanistan - msnbc.com USA DRAW DOWN FROM AFGHANISTAN TO START SLOW in short they want more of their soldiers to get killed
  6. Janubaba

    UK Hack Scandal

    UK hack scandal: Dead soldiers' kin were targets - Technology & science - Security - msnbc.com Hmmm this is strange
  7. Janubaba

    Indian court rules anti-Maoist militia unconstitutional

    BBC News - Indian court rules anti-Maoist militia unconstitutional Indian court rules anti-Maoist militia unconstitutional now how are Indians going to fight Maoists I think they will use Army
  8. Janubaba

    Rising Hatred

    BBC News - US 'hate groups' bolstered by Obama's election Obamas election boosts hate groups in America
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