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  1. N

    Nuclear propulsion

    I was wondering what people think about nuclear propulsed missiles. Why hasn't this been tried before? I know there's been some research done on this in the past, before it has been abandoned. But I would imagine they could at extreme distances, since its nuclear and not just burning fuel, and...
  2. N

    Ahmadinijad and the Holocaust

    I've been thinking about this for a while now but his speech the other day at the UN had it for me. Why does Ahmadinijad insist on bringing up the Holocaust issue and his various other conspiracy theories at international forums? His country is facing inflation of up to 30%, 25% unemployment...
  3. N

    Non-Arab Muslim Nations Need to Unite

    These Arabs are useless, they are only good for funding jihadist activities and destroying Muslim countries from within, like they've been doing in Afgahnistan, Pakistan, Iraq etc and they are already working hard to add Somalia to their collection.
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