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    Azerbaijan interested in JF-17 combat aircraft.

    Azerbaijan interested in purchase of Pakistani-Chinese JF-17 combat aircraft Azerbaijan intends to purchase JF-17 combat aircrafts jointly produced by Pakistan and China 09:25 GMT, November 16, 2011 Baku | As Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC), which displayed its products in Dubai...
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    India not to share info on Abu Jundal with Pakistan

    India not to share info on Abu Jundal with Pakistan PTI New Delhi, June 28, 2012 India will not share with Pakistan any information related to Syed Zabiuddin alias Abu Jundal who was arrested by the Delhi police for his role in the 26/11 Mumbai carnage, sources in the home ministry said...
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    Should we give Iran the bomb?

    Should we give Iran the bomb? Posted By Stephen M. Walt Tuesday, June 26, 2012 - 12:32 PM Imagine my surprise. I went to my office mailbox last Friday, and there was the new issue of Foreign Affairs. I was expecting the usual distillations of conventional wisdom, but there on the...
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    Pak, Iran Radios sign MoU for professional cooperation

    Pak, Iran Radios sign MoU for professional cooperation ISLAMABAD - Radio Pakistan and Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB) signed a Memorandum of Understanding at Broadcasting House here on Thursday to develop friendly cooperation in the field of radio broadcast. Director General Radio...
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    EU’s Iran sanctions trouble India

    EU’s Iran sanctions trouble India The European Union [EU] announced earlier today that it is going ahead with the oil sanctions against Iran w.e.f July 1, as originally planned. That is, all contracts by EU countries for import of Iranian oil will be terminated on Sunday. Greece, which...
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    Why Palestinian refugees can't be ignored

    Jun 29, 2012 Why Palestinian refugees can't be ignored By Ramzy Baroud When it was reported that Lebanese security had killed 18-year-old Ahmad al-Qasim in the Nahr al-Bared refugee camp on June 15 - over a dispute concerning a motorbike rider without proper identification - the camp's...
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    3 in 4 Pakistanis now consider US an enemy as resentment grows

    3 in 4 Pakistanis now consider US an enemy as resentment grows email story to a friend print version Published: 28 June, 2012, 15:40 Approximately 3 in 4 Pakistanis now consider the US an enemy according to a new Pew research poll released on June 27th. The polls show increasing...
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    Global power shift gives Pakistan options

    Global power shift gives Pakistan options By Khuram Iqbal The elimination of Osama Bin Laden in May 2011 heralded the end of an era in global geopolitics. For more than a decade the world was haunted with invisible enemies disguised in layers of religious and political ideologies. The US...
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    West worried by China-Pakistan atomic ties-sources

    West worried by China-Pakistan atomic ties-sources Wed Jun 27, 2012 7:42pm IST By Fredrik Dahl VIENNA, June 27 (Reuters) - Western states pressured China at closed-door talks last week to address concerns about its plans to expand a nuclear power plant in Pakistan and provide more...
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    'Islamic Awakening': Morsi’s Egypt turns to Iran

    'Islamic Awakening': Morsi’s Egypt turns to Iran - report Published: 25 June, 2012, 19:06 Newly-elected Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi will rekindle dormant ties between Egypt and Iran and re-consider his country’s peace accord with Israel, according to a controversial interview with an...
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    If you read this on the go you’d be slimmer

    If you read this on the go you’d be slimmer Published: 27 June, 2012, 19:33 Dieting experts in the UK have put together a list of 108 reasons that keep us fat and changes we can make to help us stay slim, but going to the gym once a week or going on a fad diet are not recommended. The...
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    Assad forces world powers to think again

    Jun 28, 2012 Assad forces world powers to think again By Victor Kotsev Just as he appointed yet another cabinet, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad on Tuesday declared on state television that his country was "in a real state of war from all angles". This was a change of rhetoric by Assad...
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    America: Drugged up, dumbed down and crazy dangerous

    America: Drugged up, dumbed down and crazy dangerous Published: 21 June, 2012, 12:31 The dogs of war are barking in the backyard and some deranged minds seem determined to swing open the gates – again. At the same time, the American people, the only ones who can stop the savagery, are...
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    Religious circumcision of kids a crime - German court

    Religious circumcision of kids a crime - German court Published: 26 June, 2012, 16:24 A German court has ruled that parents can’t have their sons circumcised on religious grounds in a move which has angered Muslim and Jewish groups in the country. *The court in Cologne decided that a...
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    The Israeli endgame in Iran

    The Israeli endgame in Iran By Brian M Downing The international effort to limit Iran's nuclear research has no more ardent a supporter than Israel. Iran, according to some analysts in and out of Israel, is seeking to build nuclear weapons and is almost certain to use them on Tel Aviv and...
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    Silver lining in Iran nuclear talks

    Jun 27, 2012 Silver lining in Iran nuclear talks By Kaveh L Afrasiabi Despite the deadlock at last week's talks in Moscow between Iran and world powers on the former's nuclear ambitions, it seems not all hope is lost. The glimmer of progress lies in the support building for a technical...
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    ‘Pakistan, China cooperating in space tech’

    ‘Pakistan, China cooperating in space tech’ Pakistan and China proceed to cooperate in space technology, as the latter makes major breakthroughs in its pursuits. BEIJING: Pakistan and China are actively cooperating in space technology, said Wu Ping, the spokesperson for China Manned Space...
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    Tel Aviv rally against police brutality turns violent

    Tel Aviv rally against police brutality turns violent Published: 24 June, 2012, 02:15 Over 6,000 Israelis took part in a rally against police brutality in central Tel Aviv. The demonstration turned violent, with reports of clashes between police and protesters. Some 85 people were...
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    Israel and Non Arab Muslim countries

    I have been thinking for sometime about the relations of Non Arab Muslim countries with Israel. I see no logic provided Israel respects our holy sites in Israel why we should be so anti Israel. I mean why the current crisis between Israel and Iran? The root seems to be the Iranian support...
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