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  1. Alphatech

    Can anyone control Pakistan's ISI spies?

    Can anyone control Pakistan's ISI spies? Pakistan's dreaded spy agency, the ISI, is back in the spotlight, accused of murdering journalist Saleem Shahzad. The agency's engagement with the media has become progressively more virulent as the "war on terror" has progressed. BBC Urdu editor Aamer...
  2. Alphatech

    India pledges $500m to Afghanistan

    Indian PM Manmohan Singh pledges $500m to Afghanistan This visit is being seen as deepening links between India and Afghanistan Mr Singh made the announcement in Kabul. The money is in addition to $1.5bn already promised. The Indian prime minister also said he strongly backs the Afghan...
  3. Alphatech

    U.N. asks China to release missing rights lawyer

    A U.N. committee has called on China to release a prominent human rights lawyer who has been missing for nearly a year, saying his detention violates international law. The request for an immediate release of Gao Zhisheng— addressed to the Chinese government — came in July from the U.N...
  4. Alphatech

    Chinese Baidu Put on Pirate goods lists

    US says China's Baidu is notorious pirated goods market The US Trade Representative (USTR) accused Baidu of steering consumers to third-party websites that sell goods illegally. Baidu is the most-visited website in China and among the top 10 in the world, USTR said. Critics accuse...
  5. Alphatech

    China does it again...

  6. Alphatech

    China does it again...

    China court jails father of 'tainted milk' child | World news | guardian.co.uk I just don't understand why the Chinese don't wisen up regarding human rights. I can understand jailing political dissidents to protect the Government, even though I certainly don't condone it. But jailing...
  7. Alphatech

    Obama backs India on permanent UN Security Council seat

    http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-south-asia-11711007 So everything is on track....just as our leaders planned. All the permanent SC members have now officially supported India's bid. What i feel more impressed about though, is the way foreign leaders now call India a "Global power" instead of...
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