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  1. Chinese-Dragon

    How do we improve people-to-people relations between China and Pakistan?

    What do you think guys? Due to some recent events (notably the fake marriage scam) there have been many posters on this forum and elsewhere who have tried to assert their agenda, which is to try and hurt ties between China and Pakistan. Which might have been less of a problem if...
  2. Chinese-Dragon

    BBC News - Who loses out in the US-China trade war?

    Who loses out in the US-China trade war? By Daniel Thomas Business reporter, BBC News 14 May 2019 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-48256535 The US-China trade war has escalated in recent days, with both countries announcing new tariffs on each other's goods. US President Donald Trump...
  3. Chinese-Dragon

    Huawei’s phone sales are ballooning while Apple and Samsung’s slump

    https://www.theverge.com/circuitbreaker/2019/5/1/18525034/huawei-apple-samsung-smartphone-market-share-idc-2019 The world’s second-largest phone maker is now Huawei, and it has the top spot in its sights. IDC and Strategy Analytics have released their latest smartphone shipment numbers, and...
  4. Chinese-Dragon

    China's Moon mission sees first seeds sprout

    First biological matter grown on the moon. :china: The mission also includes a mini biosphere, which will lead to a larger biosphere later on, with the end goal of building the first habitable base on the moon. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-china-46873526 Seeds taken up to the Moon...
  5. Chinese-Dragon

    China imports zero U.S. soybeans in November for first time since trade war started

    Ironic that after the trade war started, America's trade deficit to China has soared to record highs (with record Chinese surpluses against the US), while Chinese imports from America have plummeted. What a well-planned out stable genius. :enjoy...
  6. Chinese-Dragon

    US Stocks on track for worst December since the Great Depression

    https://edition.cnn.com/2018/12/18/investing/stocks-worst-december-since-great-depression/index.html New York (CNN Business) Few people on Wall Street remember the last time the stock market had this tough of a December. That's because the Dow and S&P 500 are currently on track for their...
  7. Chinese-Dragon

    USA isolated as G7 leaders meet

    https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-44409775 Divisions between Donald Trump and the other leaders of the G7 nations have been laid bare at a summit in Canada. The US leader made a surprise call for Russia to be readmitted to the group of top industrialised nations after its expulsion...
  8. Chinese-Dragon

    The 10 best Smartphones in the world right now

    https://www.stuff.tv/top-10/smartphones https://www.zdnet.com/article/10-best-smartphones/ 1) Huawei P20 Pro 2) Oneplus 6 3) Apple iPhone X 4) Samsung Galaxy S9 5) Honor 9 Lite 6) Google Pixel 2 XL (made by LG Electronics) 7) Moto G6 Play 8) Honor View 10 9) Google Pixel 2 (made by...
  9. Chinese-Dragon

    US imposes sanctions on key allies, EU + Mexico + Canada

    http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-44320221 The US is to impose tariffs on steel and aluminium imports from allies in Europe and North America. The US said a 25% tax on steel and 10% tax on aluminium from the EU, Mexico and Canada will start at midnight. The move immediately triggered...
  10. Chinese-Dragon

    Trump cancels Singapore summit with North Korea

    Just like with the completely unprovoked US embassy move to Jerusalem (which was condemned by the whole world), every time there is a hint of peace on the horizon.... the USA immediately squashes it: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-44242558 US President Donald Trump has cancelled...
  11. Chinese-Dragon

    China is winning Trump’s trade war - The Washington Post

    Looks like not a single one of Trump's original demands were included in the US-China joint statement that signaled the end of the trade war. :P https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2018/05/20/china-is-winning-trumps-trade-war/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.68083efd9f25 It was easy to miss...
  12. Chinese-Dragon

    BBC - Is Trump losing the China trade war?

    http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-44201751 22 May 2018 Donald Trump once claimed a trade war with China would be "easy" to win. But consensus is emerging that the president is losing the first battles. His team has been trying to hash out a deal to boost US exports, but multiple rounds of...
  13. Chinese-Dragon

    EU President: With friends like the USA, who needs enemies?

    https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2018/05/16/e-u-leader-lights-into-trump-with-friends-like-that-who-needs-enemies/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.94a49cf795db By Michael Birnbaum, May 16 2018 Throughout the first 15 months of his presidency, Donald Trump has made four big moves that...
  14. Chinese-Dragon

    France: Europe isn't U.S. "vassal," should trade with Iran

    https://www.cbsnews.com/news/france-europe-not-us-vassal-iran-nuclear-deal-donald-trump-germany-sanctions/ PARIS -- France's finance minister says European countries should push back harder against the Trump administration over the Iran nuclear deal and not act as "vassals" to the U.S. The...
  15. Chinese-Dragon

    Second disaster for Elon Musk, Tesla announces worst ever quarterly losses

    So after Elon Musk sent that Tesla car into space, and after it missed both the Mars orbit and the asteroid belt, another blow: https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2018/feb/07/tesla-quarterly-loss-elon-musk-spacex Loss of $675.4m announced day after Musk’s car sent into space in test of...
  16. Chinese-Dragon

    Apple to Cut iPhone X Production in the Face of Weak Demand

    https://www.wsj.com/articles/apple-to-curtail-iphone-x-production-in-the-face-of-weak-demand-1517312098# Apple Inc. is slashing planned production of the iPhone X for the three-month period ending March 31, people familiar with the matter say, in a sign of weaker-than-expected demand for the...
  17. Chinese-Dragon

    11 USA school shootings in this month alone January 2018

    http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-42804741 Two schoolchildren died on Tuesday and 14 others suffered bullet wounds when a classmate opened fire outside a school in Benton, Kentucky. It was the third US school shooting in 48 hours and the 11th in the three weeks since the start of the...
  18. Chinese-Dragon

    US threatens the rest of the world, saying "We will remember this day"

    US Ambassador: "This vote will make a difference on how we look on countries who disrespect us at the UN. And we will remember this day."
  19. Chinese-Dragon

    Trump praises China and blames US for trade deficit

    What happened to Donald Trump's claim that China was "raping the USA", or Trump's promise to officially declare China as a currency manipulator in his first day in office? :P The Guardian - Trump praises China and blames US for trade deficit Donald Trump has lavished praise on the Chinese...
  20. Chinese-Dragon

    How China has built major roads in Doklam (Satellite images)

    https://www.ndtv.com/india-news/how-china-has-built-major-roads-in-doklam-exclusive-1761221 NDTV - October 10, 2017 20:26 IST Satellite images show two roads from Doklam which separately lead to the town of Yatung in the Chumbi Valley, where China bases the soldiers that it uses for its...
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