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    Indonesia, Turkey team up to develop military drones

    Aircraft company PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) is collaborating with Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) to produce unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), which are capable of flying at a maximum height of 40,000 feet. “TAI has lengthy experience in building high-altitude UAVs. So we will collaborate...

    Spartan vs. C295: Winner of Turkish airlifter contest may secure $500M deal

    ANKARA, Turkey — Italian Leonardo’s C-27J Spartan airlifter will soon face off against the Airbus’ C295 in a sizable Turkish contract, with Russian company Antonov potentially joining the race. “We wish to see as large a competition as possible. We are certain about the European contenders...

    Great FAC Race

    8 Domestic Shipyards are racing for (4+6 Option) FAC tender. Decision will be taken until end of June. Anadolu-Ares-Dearsan-Desan-Istanbul-RMK-Selah-Yonca Onuk Anadolu New Stealth Design Ares There are rumours about it has no chance because of it's non-domestic design Dearsan Desan...

    First Armed UAV has been Successfully Tested

    Bayraktar Tactical UAV has been successfully tested with two laser guided Mızrak missiles. Missiles has been fired from 8 km distance at 5 km altitude. These missiles are Turkish equivalent of US made Hellfire.

    Guided 302 mm Kasırga rockets will be delivered soon

    First party will be delivered until end of this year. 120km+ (can change according to firing altitude) (CEP) 5-50 meter (unclear) INS/GPS Guided Kamaz truck (probably due to offset agreement with Azerbaijan) Kasırga hassas vuracak! | SVT | Savunma ve Teknoloji

    F-16s intercepted Russian IL-20


    Thyseen Krupp May Pay 100 Million € Penalty For the 2 Year Delays

    THYSSEN-KRUPP Million penalty for delay in delivery at U-boats Thyssen-Krupp has to pay 100 million penalty for delays in a submarine order from Turkey. The completion of six vehicles of the type U-214TN has been delayed by almost two years. Frankfurt Thyssen-Krupp will have to pay for...

    Turkey gives green light for military technologies transfer to Pakistan's defense industry

    Turkey has approved a project to coproduce armored vehicles for the Pakistan Army, reported yesterday, January 19, the World Tribune. Under the agreement, Turkey’s Nurol Technologies was contracted to transfer technology to enhance armor vehicle protection for platforms assembled by Pakistan’s...

    Privately owned Federal Reserve Bank:How the Rothschild family controlled the printing of the Dollar

    Privately owned Federal Reserve Bank: How the Rothschild family controlled the printing of the Dollars? The US British colonies had the right to print their own currencies before they snatched their independence. Benjamin Franklin was ambassador in France and delivered a speech in London. He...
  10. AKINCI

    Russia in talks to sell Turkey S-400 air defense systems

    Russia in talks to sell Turkey air defense systems, company confirms MOSCOW - Russia is in talks with NATO member Turkey about selling Ankara state-of-the-art S-400 air defense systems, Russian state arms export firm Rosoboronexport said Wednesday. "The discussions were about arms...
  11. AKINCI

    Rothschild Connected to Missing Flight?

    Malaysia Airlines Flight 370: "Patents Patents Patents?" "Have you pieced together the puzzle of missing flight 370 to Beijing China ? If not, here are your missing pieces. Patents Patents Patents 4 days after the missing flight MH370 a patent is approved by the Patent Office, 4 of the 5...
  12. AKINCI

    Azerbaijan and Turkey to jointly produce missiles

    In the near future between the Ministry of Defense Industry of Azerbaijan and the Turkish company ROKETSAN be signed final document on joint production of missiles at one of Azerbaijan, APA reports. Already solved the technical issues associated with the establishment of a joint venture. Taken...
  13. AKINCI

    Turkey has signed $3.5 billion Black Hawk contract

    3 yıl sonunda Genel Maksat Helikopter Anlaşması imzalandı Toplam 3,5 milyar dolarla Türkiye’nin son yıllardaki en büyük hava aracı ihalesi Sikorsky ile imzalandı. Toplam 109 adet T-70 olarak adlandırılan helikopter, TAI tarafından imal edilecek. Uzun süredir devam eden pazarlıklar sonucunda...
  14. AKINCI

    Israelis tried to send arms to Iran via Greece, probe finds

    Israeli arms dealers tried to send spare parts for F-4 Phantom aircraft via Greece to Iran in violation of an arms embargo, according to a secret probe by the US government agency Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) carried out in cooperation with the drugs and weapons unit of Greece’s...
  15. AKINCI

    Pakistan and Azerbaijan will purchase Cirit and UMTAS

    Mohammad TEXT / Kokpit.aero Yildiz Technical University, carried out by the 5th At the Defense Industry Undersecretariat of Defense Industry Days , including Aselsan , Roketsan, joined organizations such as Havelsan and TUBITAK . This seminar we realized Kokpit.aero ROKETSAN talks with officials...
  16. AKINCI

    Crypto Jew Generals of Turkish Army

    Former chief of general staff M-60 modernization project has been signed during Çevik Bir era. Now all of them are in jail.
  17. AKINCI

    15 Strongest Muslim Countries by their GDPs'

    IMF 2013 1 Indonesia 946.391 2 Turkey 851.817 3 Saudi Arabia 745.617 4 Iran 429.246 5 U A E 369.364 6 Malaysia 327.911 7 Nigeria 268.708 8 Egypt 264.701 9 Pakistan 238.935...
  18. AKINCI

    Brazil and Turkey Create Groups to Study Defense Development Projects

    23.08.2013 (Source: Brazil Ministry of Defence; issued Aug. 22, 2013) ( Issued in Portuguese only; edited unofficial translation by defense-aerospace.com) ANKARA --- Brazil and Turkey will strengthen bilateral cooperation in defense through the creation of five working groups to study...
  19. AKINCI

    Turkmen Jihadists in Lazkiya

  20. AKINCI

    Turkmen Jihadists in Lazkiya

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