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  1. M

    10 people killed in a grenade attack in Karachi

    Ten people, including six women and four children, were killed while several others were injured in a grenade attack on a truck near Baldia Town's Mawach Goth area in Karachi on Saturday, police and rescue officials said...
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    Pakistan to tap into 90 Billions Dollars Centeral Asian Market

    https://tribune.com.pk/story/2310371/uzbekistan-to-use-pakistani-seaports-for-trade So Pakistan wants Centeral Asian countries to use it's Sea ports (Gawadar and Karachi) for trade, potentially a 90 Billions dollars trade agreement but how can it be materliazed if there is no peace in Afghanistan ?
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    Make marriage compulsory by 18, says Sindh MPA’s bill

    Sindh's Provincial Assembly has introduced a new draught law that will make marriage compulsory for 18-year-olds as soon as feasible. The Act specifies that in the event of a delayed marriage, parents must notify the Deputy Commissioner in writing and provide a detailed explanation. If the...
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    Pakistan's GDP growth expected to touch 3% mark for FY2021

    ISLAMABAD: Official sources have predicted that Pakistan's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth is expected to touch a 3% mark in the outgoing FY2021 year. As per a report in The News, there is a possibility of no major revision into finalized GDP growth figures for the last fiscal year that...
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    China's new bail out for Pakistan to pay off saudi debt

    Chinense loan to Pakistan to payioff $1.5 billion Saudi debt - This isn't the first time either, as they already payed 2 Billions previously if i remember correctly. Can anyone tell me if govt has released any document or cabinet figures stating with clarity what deals, conditions or interest...
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    Nawaz Shareef in London

    Look at this cartoon. The guy was eating Pizza in London and he claims he is heart patient and suffering from serious health conditions. I cannot believe we still have educated people in Pakistan who support this goof. I am wondering what the government can do bring and Dar back to Pakistan.
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    Can Pakistan's GDP grow more than 1-2% ?

    I read somewhere IMF projected Pakistan’s GDP growth rate at 1-2 per cent for FY21 Also inflation rate is expected to be around 8.8pc and unemployment rate is expected to accelerate to 5.1pc in FY21. So, I have a question based on the positive indicators in the economy that we have recently...
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    5th generation Aircraft fight for PAF ?

    With India planning to Induct Rafael by September 2019 into IAF and Lockhead martin might also agree for a technology transfer with India to help them develop 5th Generation Aircraft. What’s Pakistan doing to balance the race in the air superiority? India already has Su-30 MKI which is 4+...
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