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  1. alizahid

    Air & Space Museum x35, mig21, f14 tomcat, f86, shuttle, sr-71 pics

    Smithsonian Air & Space Museum visit 7/23/11- i had a blast hope u enjoy!! this is where transformers was shot!! sorry some pics are not in order!
  2. alizahid

    Unseen 2009 Iranian jet crash video appears

    A previously unseen video of a plane crash appeared on YouTube. It apparently shows an Iranian military jet that crashed just outside Tehran in 2009. The accident happened after a military air show commemorating the outbreak of the 1980-1988 Iraq-Iran war on September 22, 2009. The Ilyushin...
  3. alizahid

    The First Human To Fly Was A Muslim

    The First Human To Fly Was A Muslim By Sadhique A.M.I. How many of us know that the first flight by a human being, the first manned Rocket flight and the first recorded Parachute jump were accomplished by Muslims? 265 years before the Wright Brothers flew, a Turkic Muslim by the name...
  4. alizahid

    Its not like west never stole any tech!! China makes HQ products!!

    what do people think here that all the technology nasa , us and russia have, came from their own research or something. They stole everything from the nazi's. there are documentaries by nasa itself talking about us and russia getting nuclear, jet and space tech from nazi after defeating them...
  5. alizahid

    Art of War Pakistan Military

    In the Art of War SunTzu says (1) Which of the two sovereigns is imbued with the Moral law? (2) Which of the two generals has most ability? (3) With whom lie the advantages derived from Heaven and Earth? (4) On which side is discipline most rigorously enforce (5) Which army is...
  6. alizahid

    China drops the Gwadar hot potato

    China drops the Gwadar hot potato By Peter Lee The occasion of Pakistan Prime Minister Yusuf Gilani's official visit to China was an opportunity for both parties to stake a claim to a post-United States future as the closest of allies, with a shared commitment to a stabilized Afghanistan and...
  7. alizahid

    The ultimate rifle: British snipers to be armed with supergun that pinpoint

    The ultimate rifle: British snipers to be armed with supergun that pinpoints the enemy by 'hearing bullets' Read more: The ultimate rifle: British supergun that 'hears bullets' to be rolled out to troops | Mail Online A supergun that targets enemy snipers by the sound of their gunfire is...
  8. alizahid

    'Russian Stealth' New Look: Video of PAK FA T-50 fighter jet 2nd test fligh

    http://youtu.be/-mZM1y8rcyE lookin good!!
  9. alizahid

    India fails to stop EU duty waiver for Pakistan

    Whether its floods, earthquakes, nukes, trade, arms or aid, Bharat will always oppose anything and everything that favors Pakistan. The latest battle is on allowing Pakistani textile duty-free into the EU. However this time around, Bharat may find itself isolated in opposing trade concessions...
  10. alizahid

    Hackers breach US defense contractors network

    Updated at: 0704 PST, Saturday, May 28, 2011 Hackers breach US defense contractors network LONDON: Unknown hackers have broken into the security networks of Lockheed Martin Corp (LMT.N) and several other US military contractors, a source with direct knowledge of the attacks told this news...
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