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  1. TechLahore

    India-China Buy-Buy

  2. TechLahore

    India-China Buy-Buy

    No extra credit for guessing why the Chinese only want to focus on trade. India Journal - South Asian News for Southern California India-China Buy-Buy Date Submitted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 BY MOHINDER SINGH Nearly 52 years ago during the then Chinese Premier Chou En Lai’s visit to...
  3. TechLahore

    Microsoft hiring from Pakistan

    Microsoft has been sending recruiting teams for the past several years to major universities such as LUMS. Now they are widening the initiative. Please see below. Great recognition of Pakistani IT talent! Microsoft Pakistan, HQ'd out of Karachi with presence in Islamabad as well, now also...
  4. TechLahore

    China to build 2 more [nuclear power] units at CHASNUPP - $10B deal signed

    Simply amazing... China to build 2 more units at CHASNUPP * BoI chief says MoUs worth $10 billion signed to enhance power generation Staff Report ISLAMABAD: Board of Investment (BoI) Chairman Saleem Mandviwala on Monday said China was committed to construct the Chashma Nuclear Power...
  5. TechLahore

    Israel cannot defeat Hezbollah: Israeli Expert

    Interesting admission by the Israelis. Israel can’t defeat Hezbollah: Israeli expert Reuters Yesterday Tagged: Ehud Barak, Hezbollah, Israel, Israeli Defence Minister, Lebanon An image grab taken from the Hezbollah-run Manar TV shows Lebanon's Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah...
  6. TechLahore

    Pakistani software outfit Pepper.pk breaks into Global Top 5 Blackberry Apps!

    This is pretty significant news... I can't recall another piece of software developed in Pakistan that made it as big on the consumer software scene. #5 in the world, across all BB app categories is pretty huge. Great to see successes like these in Pakistan. The software industry is very...
  7. TechLahore

    Listen and send blessings upon Hazrat Isa (Jesus Christ) - I still haven't found...

    Wonderful performance of one of my all time favourites, "I still haven't found what I'm looking for" by Bruce Springsteen and U2. Was a very refreshing break in my morning routine both from work and the perpetual negativity in the press. Please listen and send blessings and salaam to the...
  8. TechLahore

    Is America on the path to 'permanent war'?: CNN Main Story

    America needs to STOP international military operations. Rationalize the defence budget, reduce expenses and direct every available penny to education and research. Take the money being spent on bullets and put it in startups. America, please be what you used to be in the '50s. A country...
  9. TechLahore

    V.S. Naipaul gets bashed in Turkish press for his anti-islam stance

    There's a European writer's convention being hosted in Turkey and the Indian origin author, V. S. Naipaul is a guest of honour. There is quite a bit of anger in Turkey, though, about his presence. One of the prominent Turkish attendees has already pulled her participation from the conference...
  10. TechLahore

    Will be in Turkey (Istanbul) the next few days. Any travel/sightseeing advice?

    One of my long held dreams is about to come true! I will get to visit Turkey next week. Will be in Istanbul for the next few days. I've admired Turkey since a very young age, but other than a quick transit through Ankara in the mid-80s, have never had an opportunity to visit. Until now...
  11. TechLahore

    Pakistan eying 25m ton wheat production this year: Aulakh

    Very happy to hear this news! By the Grace of God, we are increasing the wheat output significantly despite the floods. This total should be well in excess of domestic consumption and should thus generate significant exports. Proud to say that we have a small contribution towards this total...
  12. TechLahore

    Hadiqa, Aisam become UNDP’s goodwill envoys

    [Pakistan's] Hadiqa, Aisam become UNDP’s goodwill envoys ISLAMABAD: Pop singer Hadiqa Kiani and tennis player Aisamul Haq Qureshi have been appointed ‘Goodwill Ambassadors’ for Pakistan’s early recovery effort from the unprecedented floods. The two stars will use their celebrity status...
  13. TechLahore

    [Obama's visit] Why India's realty scam should interest President Obama

    Written by the Indian journalist, Jawed Naqvi. Some very interesting observations... In general, I am glad at least some commentators in India are seeing the Obama visit for what it was, and not some pro-India glory trip that it is childishly being made out to be. Why India's realty...
  14. TechLahore

    [US] Nuclear launch card was missing 'for months,': CNN

    Speaking of nuclear safety concerns... add this one to the list :-) Nuclear launch card was missing 'for months,' new book says - CNN.com Nuclear launch card was missing 'for months,' new book says From Dugald McConnell and Brian Todd, CNN October 22, 2010 -- Updated 0227 GMT (1027 HKT)...
  15. TechLahore

    US apologizes for attack on Pakistani soldiers

    And there you have it... yesterday there was a news item that suggested Pakistan and the US were stuck on the use of the word "apology" (Pakistan wanted this) vs. "regret". It would appear Pakistan's position was "accepted". Folks that have opined on whether or not Pakistan has real...
  16. TechLahore

    Dr Aafia — when will we stop playing to the gallery?

    Intelligent, honest and balanced people like Ms. Memon are a great hope for Pakistan. She is an uber nationalist, if there ever was one, but her thoughtfulness shows through in most of what she says. Dr Aafia — when will we stop playing to the gallery? The writer is a PML-Q MNA...
  17. TechLahore

    Pakistan Planning Commission chalks out strategy for revenue and economic overhaul

    Dr. Nadeem Ul Haq was at the World Bank for many years and became the head of WB's African operations, based in Cairo. He is a graduate of the London School of Economics and is an all-round brilliant planner and economist. It's very encouraging to see him take charge at the planning commission...
  18. TechLahore

    Pakistan's Netsol closes major deals; expanding to 9 countries

    Netsol is poised to become a very significant player in the financial services software industry. Happy to see this company growing by leaps and bounds on the back of products, not just services. The PSEB estimates Pakistan's software industry growing at 50% YoY and companies like Systems...
  19. TechLahore

    Babri Masjid verdict - the Shahadat of Babri Masjid justified by Indian courts

    Very, very disappointing... the violent destruction of Babri Masjid by Advani and BJP has been upheld by the Indian courts. The people who destroyed the mosque have not been punished, and the main area of the mosque has been forcibly taken away from the muslims. Between what is happening in...
  20. TechLahore

    Israel is proving to the world it is run by a circus

    Aluf Benn / Lieberman is making a liar out of Netanyahu - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News Israel is proving to the world it is run by a circus Netanyahu invested a great deal of effort in trying to convince world leaders that he is serious about peace with the Palestinians. And now...
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