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    Over 50.000 Afghanis and Pakistanis has been deported in 2022 so far

    https://www.trthaber.com/m/haber/turkiye/ulke-genelinde-son-bir-haftada-5-bin-68-duzensiz-gocmen-yakalandi-695133.html You don't see Indians being thrown out. Wonder why. . .
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    Serbia-Kosovo conflict

    Guys, bad things are happening right now. The border has been closed, people are hearing gunfire.
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    I miss Pervez Musharraf

    He was Pakistan's ticket out of the misery that is holding back the country today but nobody realized it back in the day. He knew how important realpolitik is but the establishment shot him down. We miss you, sir. :(
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    Putin 'proposed to have a Turkish drone factory built in Russia'

    Putin 'proposed to have a Turkish drone factory built in Russia' Erdogan reportedly revealed his proposal to colleagues while claiming Bayraktar TB2 maker Baykar is establishing a plant in the UAE https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/turkey-bayraktar-drone-factory-russia-putin-proposed...
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    US struggles to curb Turkey’s TB2 killer drone exports

    US struggles to curb Turkey’s TB2 killer drone exports Turkey’s cutting-edge armed drone is changing the nature of modern warfare and proliferating at alarming speed by Umar Farooq July 13, 2022 Turkey's TB2 drones have been deployed to strategic effect by Ukraine armed forces in their war...
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    Is Saudi Arabia Exaggerating Its Oil Production Potential?

    Is Saudi Arabia Exaggerating Its Oil Production Potential? By Simon Watkins - Jul 04, 2022, 6:00 PM CDT For years, Saudi Arabia has made some pretty...
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    Thousands celebrate the arrival of Superstar UCAV Bayraktar TB2

    "The Russian hunter" has arrived in Lithuania and the people are going nuts. Thousands came to see the famous drone in real life. Couples, families with children, aviation enthusiasts - they all waited hours in line to see the TB2 before it is packed and shipped to Ukraine. The drone is...
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    Number of imported firearms into the USA in 2020

    https://www.statista.com/statistics/215644/number-of-imported-firearms-into-the-us-by-country/ Why is the US importing so many firearms anyway? The country itself has a lot of top notch producers. Isn't the local production enough to cover the market? @Hamartia Antidote And since when is...
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