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  1. Qutb-ud-din-Aibak

    The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan now yields professional armed forces with all the necessary equipment and weapons

    They have made the advancement equal to 10 years in only 2 years reconstructed the army, build highways, re-construction across the country in lightening fashion. There is still growth in process. The Talibs are highly competent statesmen, rebuilders including visionary.
  2. Qutb-ud-din-Aibak

    India watch Mega thread: Manipur watch, Civil war Watch, communalism and politics

    Mods make this thread sticky and from now on anything relating to India communalism and all other low IQ stuff shall be shared here to avoid devaluing the forum into brain-drainage.. From now on we use this thread and anyone who gets one warning and after that refuses give them prolonged or...
  3. Qutb-ud-din-Aibak

    The Purification of India is approaching slowly

    The purification of India is necessary for the region and greater world. In first appraoch the world has to politically get divided from India and clearly communicated to the Americans we don't wanna play games but if you get entangled in this it destroys our relations for good. We are willing...
  4. Qutb-ud-din-Aibak

    BRICS currency has the potential of boosting many economies

    This will stop the dollar manipulating currencies across the world and devaluing some currencies this will give Pakistan major boost
  5. Qutb-ud-din-Aibak

    The Chinese may have already out-foxed and defeated the Americans but it will be felt few years from now with the BRICS currency

    It looks like BRICS countries trading in BRICS currency will have a huge impact on the US economy as Dollar will wane off.. This will unraval the US for the coming years slowly up to towards the next 10-15 years slowly US economy will start to fade Last month it was announced a NEW brics...
  6. Qutb-ud-din-Aibak

    Taking India by the throat is an alternative economical harvesting or let me put it this way India is our lifeline reserve

    India is our lifeline and safety net when everything goes to shxtters then India will be there as both punching bag and economical relief. India has always offered an economical lifeline to any northern element from the outside of their borders and this is the case also now. Hence going...
  7. Qutb-ud-din-Aibak

    The Amazing story of Raziya sultana - The woman who became Sultan leading a vaste empire

    Her story is amazing and something taken out of a fictionalized movie but it is real story portrait of Raziya Sultana
  8. Qutb-ud-din-Aibak


  9. Qutb-ud-din-Aibak

    List of Countries that were under muslim rule but are not today

    Today there is 50 Muslim sovereign states but I was looking at the countries that were under muslim rule and some of them for centuries and I wanted to see how many countries could have still remained muslim and I was surprised by the number holyshxt. The Expansionists were dedicated to a fault...
  10. Qutb-ud-din-Aibak

    Who do you see winning the election?

    Let me hear the experts out
  11. Qutb-ud-din-Aibak

    When all is said and done the Imran Khan era was the second best era in Pakistan only second to the infamous Zia-ul-Haq

    Zia-ul-Haq in his era despite some of his short-comings in some places had overacheived in the period he was there. Example he defeated the Soviet and liberated East Europe and Germany due to the war of attrition he applied on the Soviets. He regained stragetic depth including putting fear in...
  12. Qutb-ud-din-Aibak

    I am upset over why PDF caters so much to Indians?

    Why are we doing this on PDF.. I am seeing all this love for them on PDF and the removing of my thread was uncalled for... I also served 8 days ban since yesterday due to a thread that was not even anti-indian just questioning a social issues in that country such as caste system, inferiority...
  13. Qutb-ud-din-Aibak

    Pakistan inducts ➡️ J-10C ➡️ Bayraktar Akinci➡️ Bayraktar TB-2 ➡️ HQ-9B HIMAD SAMs ➡️ YLC-8E Radars ➡️ Wing Loong 2 ➡️ reveals 5ft gen aircraft design

    This all happened in one day which is quite impressive His highness was present I could personally see the arrival of Siper as Pakistan has been offered to join that project or rumored to be part of it and all 3 Hisar from Medium, short to high altitude on top of that including...
  14. Qutb-ud-din-Aibak

    India 'deeply regrets' accidental firing of missile

    India 'deeply regrets' accidental firing of missile inside Pakistan The Indian defence ministry regretted on Friday that a missile "accidentally" entered Pakistan and fell in Khanewal district's Mian Channu area on Wednesday, attributing the incident to a "technical malfunction". "On 9 March...
  15. Qutb-ud-din-Aibak

    'We will never go back to Ukraine': DPR fighter jailed for his views by Kiev talks to RT - Insightsful interview

    If you wanna understand the anatomy of this conflict you should probably read this interview -------------------------------------------------------------- 'We will never go back to Ukraine': DPR fighter jailed for his views by Kiev talks to RT An interview with a pro-Russian DPR militant from...
  16. Qutb-ud-din-Aibak

    Dozens of Malaysian Indians Died in Police Custody - Not a Single Officer Has Been Charged - Indians cite racism in Malaysia? Is it all fake or real?

    Dozens of Malaysian Indians Died in Police Custody. Not a Single Officer Has Been Charged In less than three months, six Indian men have died under suspicious circumstances while in police detention in Malaysia. For Malaysian homemaker Suthasini, the evening started out like any other. In...
  17. Qutb-ud-din-Aibak

    Why Pakistan is capable of rolling over Bharat and fully occupy India completely

    As far as parity goes they match each other but it is in the operational field where Pakistan has huge advantage and besides the Indian ground forces aren't disciplined and majority of them gathered from allover the place who arent even same race or speak same language example like what happened...
  18. Qutb-ud-din-Aibak

    Pakistan doesn't need Jammu but all of India

    First of all these vegies aren't able to stop us if we were to decide we want all of India.. I don't see why Pakistan should fight for an irrelevant province but all of India or nothing.. It has to be a mega proportion incursion at the scale of the battle of Tarain The vegeterians will not be...
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