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    Turkey new entrant to FATF Grey List

    Turkey just joined Pakistan on the grey list.
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    Parliamentary panel rejects anti-forced conversion bill amid protest by minorities’ lawmakers

    A parliamentary committee on Wednesday rejected the anti-forced conversion bill after the Ministry of Religious Affairs opposed the proposed law while lawmakers from minority communities protested the decision. The bill came under discussion during a meeting of the Parliamentary Committee to...
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    Why does Pakistan import so much food?

    Pakistan controls 4 times more of Punjab than India. It has a major river that runs the length of the country, yet it imports much more food as a percentage of merchandise imports than India. Shouldn't controlling Punjab make Pakistan a food producing powerhouse? Why is this? Pakistan - 15%...
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    Erdogon snubs EU chief

    https://www.ctvnews.ca/world/eu-chief-surprised-by-seat-snub-during-meeting-with-turkish-president-1.5377582 More misogynistic behaviour from Muslim leaderz
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    Pakistan pushes for reset ties with USA

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    Modi wishes Imran Khan a speedy recovery

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    Mike Pompeo Declares China's Uighur Policy as Genocide

    https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/jan/19/mike-pompeo-china-uighur-genocide-sanctions-xinjiang https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/us-china-genocide-declaration-1.5879033 Parting shots from the Trump admin. This is something that Biden cannot sweep under the rug.
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