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  1. rajeev

    China: Asylum Bid by 22 Uighurs Opposed

    China said Tuesday that 22 Uighurs who fled to Cambodia after deadly ethnic rioting this summer were criminals and should not be granted asylum. The Uighurs, who are Muslim, were smuggled out of China with the help of a network of missionaries and Chinese Christians, the missionaries said. They...
  2. rajeev

    Project 28 corvettes: India to tender for composite technology for superstructure

    The Indian Navy’s prestigious Project 28, the programme to build four of the world’s stealthiest anti-submarine corvettes, is on track to become even more cutting edge. By the end of this month, three international shipbuilders will be bidding to provide Kolkata-based Garden Reach Shipbuilders...
  3. rajeev

    China rejects calls to free dissident Liu Xiaobo

    China has rejected calls from the US and the EU to release a prominent dissident as "unacceptable". Liu Xiaobo is facing trial for subversion after calling for political reform in China. Both the European Union and the US urged China to release Mr Liu and end the harassment of other citizens...
  4. rajeev

    India: a global hub for warship building

    Strategic circles are abuzz with rumours that the United Kingdom will soon offer India one of the new-generation aircraft carriers that it is constructing, since they are turning out too expensive for the Royal Navy to afford. Interestingly, India will almost certainly turn down the offer...
  5. rajeev

    It's Official: Ecuadorian Dhruv Crash By Pilot Error

    It's what even the Ecuadorian air chief said on the day of the crash. And as reported consistently here on LiveFist, it was indeed cyclic saturation caused by a hard left by the pilots that caused the Dhruv to rapidly lose altitude, tip over and go down. Sources say that the conclusion was drawn...
  6. rajeev

    Woman executed in China over child prostitution

    BEIJING — A woman in southwest China has been executed after being convicted of forcing 22 schoolchildren into prostitution, state press said Monday. Zhao Qingmei was put to death in Guizhou province "in recent days" after her final appeal was rejected, the Guizhou Daily reported. Zhao was...
  7. rajeev

    China tightens grip with review of personal websites

    Freedom in China! China has banned individuals from registering internet domain names and launched a review of millions of existing personal websites in the toughest government censorship drive so far on the internet. As of Monday, people applying to register a domain name in China must...
  8. rajeev

    China cop labeled a martyr after drinking death

    BEIJING — A Chinese policeman who died after drinking too much at a banquet he was made to attend has been deemed a martyr who died in the line of duty, in an apparent attempt to meet his family's demands for compensation, a state-run newspaper said. Heavy drinking at business and government...
  9. rajeev

    Pakistan as a security state

    Over the years, many readers have asked me why Pakistan should fear an attack from India. They suggest that as we are under no threat from our eastern neighbour, our army could move more of its troops to the Afghan border where heavy fighting is going on, and where our embattled units could do...
  10. rajeev

    Why China's exchange rate policy is a common concern

    Source: FT.com / UK - Why China's exchange rate policy is a common concern A country's exchange rate cannot be a concern for it alone, since it must also affect its trading partners. But this is particularly true for big economies. So, whether China likes it or not, its heavily managed...
  11. rajeev

    Comical Mimicry

    Funny youtube video from Japan. Thought you guys would enjoy! India tamil movie starring Rajni - Rajni is popular in Japan Funny isnt it- no cultural connection, but they are connected to India
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