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  1. H

    ISI set Honey trap for DRDO official

    An official at the Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO) of India, who worked on critical missions, including missiles, was arrested under the Official Secrets Act. Maharashtra State Counter-Terrorism Unit (ATS) has arrested a senior DRDO official in Pune for allegedly...
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    Moscow warns Greece over ‘anti-Russian actions’

    Moscow warns Greece over ‘anti-Russian actions’ Greek leadership either forced or willingly submitted to American demands, FM Lavrov says Russia on Monday warned Greece over its "anti-Russian actions," saying American meddling has affected bilateral relations. Remarking that Russia and Greece...
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    Featured Turkey’s 1st domestic multirole helicopter Gökbey to fly with local engine by year-end

    Turkey’s 1st domestic multirole helicopter Gökbey to fly with local engine by year-end Turkey's first indigenous multirole helicopter, the T625 Gökbey developed by Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI), is set to fly with a domestically produced engine by the end of the year, a company official...
  4. H

    Hey guys Im new, hope to have interesting conversations and learn

    1) Tell your interests? I like reading defense news and analysis. 2) How did you find us? I found out about this place by finding defense articles and this place had some interesting threads on different platforms. 3) What interests you here? There was interesting content here, i hope to learn...
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