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    Assassination Attempt on IK imminent?

    The things we are seeing from past month or so with respect to blunt steps taken by courts and other institutes with no fear of God or nation. Don't you think they are brave enough to even get rid of IK. Someone (palmist) even announced the complete plan (the nc vote done so far exactly the...
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    Vote of no confidence against Coas?

    Is there any rule/law of Vote of no confidence against Coas by core commanders etc? People saying many retired and on service generals are against the recent steps taken, is it to make division within or move things in that direction?
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    Is it organic or Doctored sequence of events?

    Question if the current prevailing situation in Pakistan is well planned and a source of fight between the forces of evil and Good with a background activities not easily understood by an ordinary person. Following reasons are the indicators that lead us to this conclusion. USA is confronted...
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    Maulana Kaleem Siddiqui, one of Uttar Pradesh's prominent clerics, arrested by ATS

    In a statement, the ATS said that Maulana Kaleem Siddiqui runs Jamia Imam Waliullah trust that funds several madrassas for which he received huge foreign funding, according to news ANI. He has been arrested in connection with India's largest religious conversion syndicate busted by the ATS.
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    First Digital Forensics Firm of Pakistan

    By Propakistani.pk With rise of internet and mobile phone usage in the country, the dire need of digital forensics and information security solution was lying vacant. To tap the demand, first of it’s kind fully digital forensics company has started it’s operations in Pakistan. Hailing...
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    Beautiful Islands Of The World

    Kindly post the images. i will go for Maldives, Mauritius................................
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    China Threatens to Use ‘Financial Weapon’ Against America

    By: Gordon G. Chang On Monday, People’s Daily, China’s leading newspaper, stated it was time for Beijing to consider using its “financial weapon” against the United States. The Communist Party’s flagship publication suggested that the Chinese government “directly link” its purchases of US...
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    Statistics Which Prove American People Are Absolutely Seething With Anger

    #1 A new Washington Post poll has found that a whopping 78 percent of Americans are dissatisfied “with the way this country’s political system is working”. #2 That same poll found that only 26 percent of Americans believe that the federal government can solve the economic problems that we are...
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    one wheeling on 14th August

    LAHORE – Despite the deployment of some 12,000 police officers including 2,035 traffic wardens at different points of the City’s leading arteries, one-wheeling was observed as traditional practice on 14th of August that left 11 dead and over 100 injured in the provincial capital. An unknown...
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    India tops in plagarism, academic fraud, cheating and false research

    Almost all data and statistics out of Delhi are bogus and fradulent. An analysis posted on the Nature journal’s site published by Richard Van Noorden and Bob O’Hara found that India had the highest fraud rate in the world—18 papers of 100,000. Bharat leads. This is far higher than those for...
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    Video Gaming Spreads Satanism & Social Issues

    If Anders Breivik’s massacre of Norwegian teenagers seems like something out of a video game, that’s no coincidence. The killer credits the game “Call of Duty” for his training. by Shannon Iyer (henrymakow.com) Shanon Iyer is a 27-year old Canadian screenwriter, author, inventor and...
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    Spiders in Sindh, Pakistan Covers Whole Trees

    The 2010 floods in Pakistan caused widespread damage to the interior Sindh and southern Punjab. The stagnant water ponds would have brought enormous amount of diseases and specially those caused by Malaria. However, mother nature intervened and brought it’s own innovative solutions to the...
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    Imran Khan Introduces SMS Based Updates for His Party Members

    Imran Khan has introduced a new kind of SMS based update system for his party members, i.e. one of most used medium by Pakistanis. This initiative by PTI media management team will help party members/followers to get updates about Pakistan Tehreek Insaaf via SMS on their mobile, that too free...
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    Pakistan Sees 1st Live Streaming of Surgery Over the Internet

    Distant learning in Pakistan went to next level when for the first time in Pakistan, a surgery was broadcasted over the internet to help educate surgeons and surgical students from various medical colleges and hospitals across the country. The workshop on “Advanced Upper GI Laparoscopic...
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    Taseer assassination raises spectre of N-heist in Pak

    (Times of india reports) The assassination of Pakistani Punjab's governor Salman Taseer this week by an elite bodyguard infused with extremist views has raised alarm in Washington over the safety of the country's nuclear arsenal, with fears that similar select personnel guarding it may be...
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    http://pakalert.wordpress.com/2010/01/24/in-pictures-us-embassy-hosts-drink-and-dance-party-for-pakistani-journalists/ Pictures: CIA Hosts Drink and Dance Party For Pakistani Journalists at US Embassy Islamabad Pak Alert Press.
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    Indian Propaganda Against Pakistan on Telecom Front

    Courtesy: Propakistani.pk Time of India has reported that fraudulent calls are being originated from Pakistan that appears to be involved in lottery scams, victimizing Indian mobile phone users. Though newspaper admits that technology can be used to change the phone number. Newspaper...
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    Pakistani’s Not Allowed In “At Home” Chinese Restaurant Islamabad

    Courtesy: Pro-pakistan.com " On January 5th 2010, Tuesday night a group of five of us; two ladies and their respective husbands along with another family friend decided to try out this Chinese restaurant called “At Home” located in Islamabad, F-8-1, Street 30, House 12-A. As we made our way...
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    Much of this so called “Cold Start Strategy” is based on the Israeli strategy which it tried to implement in Lebanon. Israel was unable to implement its objectives in Lebanon and had to withdraw even from the Litani River. Israel failed to achieve its goals in Lebanon. In Lebanon, Israel was...
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    How to Register Complaint with FIA (Cyber Crime Wing)

    Courtesy: Propakistani.pk As we are getting into internet era, cyber crime rates are hiking in similar manner. Many of us don’t know how to legally challenge those criminal activities. A common internet or mobile phone user, who is victim of a cyber crime, thinks that there is no one to...
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