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  1. F

    Why moderators IrfanBaloch and SQ8 encouraging anti Pakistani posts and favouring PDM paid members ?

    Patwari moderators have taken over this forum. They say what ever anti PTI crap they want and if anyone responds in kind they shut you up and ban you. They encourage postings by low IQ retards like @fools and let him open 5-6 anti PTI threads every morning . Meanwhile even an innocent...
  2. F

    American teaching institutes counter RSS filth on campuses.

    Unbelievable trash being imported from India. Same problem in Canada. RSS filthy followers are destroying every institute here as well…. https://www.cnn.com/2022/12/07/us/brown-university-caste-protections-cec/index.html
  3. F

    Patwaris dont care if their mother get raped as much as a fake watch news...

    Mother = Our beloved country. So I suppose with their inbred DNA mixed with donkey's it is OK for people like @FOOLS_NIGHTMARE to spam and open multiple threads doing Randi rona over a watch but ignore their leaders looting and plunder and raping of our motherland. Such people are the real...
  4. F

    On going clashes between Sikhs and Hindus in Malton, Canada

    There is still heavy police presence and lots of roadblocks to contain the situation. It all started when RSS sponsored Hindu students started celebrating Diwali/win against Pakistan and chanted anti Sikh slogans. BAD IDEA! Sikhs showed up and police had to rescue those celebrating with Indian...
  5. F

    British Public identifies Rishi with Rich...also with'liar', 'corrupt', 'slimy' and 'snake' not far behind.

    Wow ...he is rich because of his wife. A south Indian daughter of InfoSys founders who is not a British citizen. By the way Rishi's grandfather Migrated from Bahawalpur, Pakistan to Kenya. https://ca.yahoo.com/news/word-voters-use-describe-rishi-sunak-145710862.html
  6. F

    Another achievement of PTI: Pakistan out of FATF Gray list

    Nawaz and Zaradri money laundering was the main reason why we got on this list. It was the relentless work done by PTI government that we are seeing this day. Thanks to Imran Khan again.....
  7. F

    Modi (Yet again) uses anti Muslim sentiments to rally Orcs to vote for him.

    This is getting really ridiculous . Are we just going sit there and watch this digesting and repulsive ideology slaughter Muslims? https://ca.yahoo.com/news/india-hindus-face-demographic-dip-072942559.html
  8. F

    Indian made cough syrup killed dozens of kids. WHO

    We have ongoing problem here in Canada as well. Regulatory body had shut down some imports because of Indian factories failing quality control inspections. I am not surprised...
  9. F

    After Sleepy Joe's tongue slip USA backtracks on Pakistan comments.

    This man is an absolute disaster in diplomacy and under his watch the entire world is suffering horribly because of Russia Ukraine conflict which was started by the USA. I have no doubt if Trump was around there wouldn't be any war. Sleepy Joe represents the old school war mongers and he is...
  10. F

    Desperate Indians flock to Mexico to cross into the USA

    Honestly the speed Indians are running away from India makes me wonder what the heck is going on there...They are everywhere. In Canada alone there are almost 400000 fake students who have absolutely no plan of going back to India...
  11. F

    Yet Another terrorist hiding and supported by the Western intelligence agencies. Bloomberg report.

    What a reading and an eye opener: https://ca.yahoo.com/news/pakistan-most-feared-power-broker-043011268.html
  12. F

    150 Afghans deported after cricket riots.

    Now this is what I will call a speedy Justice . Sad part is that they will all be deported to Pakistan the very country they hate …. They should be airdropped over Kabul...
  13. F

    Imran Khan’s Street Politics Sets Up Showdown With Army - Bloomberg

    The mood on the streets is one of intense hatred for the establishment and hardly anyone is taking their side. People who are worried about Imran being arrested must remember that in politics being jailed on trump up charges (non corruption related) is really a badge of honour for any...
  14. F

    Change in American media about Imran: He is hugely popular !

    Just noticed this trend in American media in the last few days. Major outlets are now rightly describing IK as a hugely popular and strong to directly confront the generals . This is a sea change in American perception and they may have realized that the most popular and strongest person in...
  15. F

    Pakistan to end fiscal year with almost $40B exports with services sector reaching almost $7B

    Assalamaolukum, Pakistan under PTI government achieved remarkable results. Had we continued our next year's target was set at $48B. Now lots of uncertainty...let's see what happens. Traitors are brought in to destroy anything good that was happening in Pakistan. June services export numbers...
  16. F

    Imported traitors forced to admit: Economy grew almost 6 percent last year.

    All these product of haram were complaining when the economy grew at 5.9 % last year but now you hear nothing on the media when they have lowered growth to 5% and inflation to hit 20 %. Where are all the Patwaris and media ? Bastards are licking shoes of their haram owners and letting the...
  17. F

    First Pakistani American member of Congress in the making.

    Dr. Mahmood won last night in the heavily democratic district. By wining the nomination as a democratic candidate he is almost certain to make it to the congress. Good chance in sha Allah of first Muslim and Pakistani to be elected to U.S Congress in November midterm elections .
  18. F

    Yet another Indian origin CEO in trouble .

    It seems like almost every month some one with Indian back ground is caught doing illegal or unethical business deals here in the USA . Here is the latest. It looks like Twitter deal under its Indian CEO is also in big trouble because of fake and inflated user numbers and bot accounts . let’s...
  19. F

    Assets recovery unit amazing performance during PTI

    Just notice the difference. Patwari and Jiyalas obviously sucked the blood out of Pakistan during their tenures ….. disgusting. Illegal overseas Assets recovery: 2000-2017: 295 B Rs in 17 years 2018-2021: 426 B in 3 years ...
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    Governments should subsidise food and fuel: IMF.

    Imported government is going around calling subsidy as the main reason why the IMF is not talking to them . The truth is that no body wants to talk to thieves and crooks . The entire premises of their argument is based on a lie. IMF supports targeted subsidy which is exactly what IK was...
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