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  1. HunterHadi

    Joining MOD Urgently Help

    My academic record SSC 1st division HSSC 3rd division BS 1st division.. Can i apply MOD Assistant director post?? 3rd division in hssc ki waja sa rejection tu ni hogi?? Please help!!
  2. HunterHadi

    Army to css

    Hi.. I want to know that.. Why Army/Navy/Air-force Persons switched( Forces to CSS) what is the reasons?? Army is best as compared CSS..Then why? Kia waja h k army sa nickal kr CSS mein ajta hein( Army quota).. Waiting for reasonable answer?? Thanks..
  3. HunterHadi


    Hi Experts ! Please help me out to understand point no 7 ( in ad) Point no 7 : Candidate must have attained the entire education (Matric till MS/M Phil) as a regular student. My education background is : Matric ( Regular) Inter( Open university - Distance learning program) BS ( Regular)...
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