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  1. R.A.W.

    Help needed from chinese friends

    Hi I have been associated with one of my friends business in which we provide with the marketing for the product which are actually manufactured in China and then sent to European market via Pakistan. In coming days some of Chinese partners from Beijing are to visit Delhi. We have...
  2. R.A.W.

    Why Israel embassy website is Urdu

    I was just going through the website of Israel embassy and it was in two languages. Hindi and Urdu. In India people hardly write Urdu then what is the purpose of having the same in urdu. Here are the links for the both versions. Israel Embassy Israel Embassy
  3. R.A.W.

    For 300 years, every dog had its day in Punjab

    KHANPUR (PATIALA): Unknown to most outside Patiala, a diktat by Alaa Singh (1695-1765) is cast in stone by villagers, and is followed till this day and dogs get to eat before worshippers at the temple — all three meals of the day. Following tradition, head priest Anand Giri comes out thrice...
  4. R.A.W.

    Army could take 20 years to bridge officers shortage

    NEW DELHI: Bogged down by shortage of 11,500 officers due to low intake at military academies and a high rate of premature retirements, the army has indicated to its leadership that it will take 20 years of best efforts to fill up the vacancies. In an internal study, the army has said the...
  5. R.A.W.

    Maoists getting arms from Bangladesh, Myanmar: Chidambaram

    NEW DELHI: Maoists are acquiring weapons through Bangladesh, Myanmar and possibly Nepal, according to home minister P Chidambaram, who nonetheless has expressed government's willingness for a dialogue with them provided they abjure violence. Naxalism remains the biggest internal security...
  6. R.A.W.

    Car bomb rocks Pakistani city Peshawar

    PESHAWAR, PAKISTAN: A car bomb exploded outside a restaurant in Pakistan's main northwestern city of Peshawar on Friday, wounding up to 10 people, a police official said. Some people may have been killed. ( Watch Video ) The explosion in the upmarket district Hayatabad came just hours after...
  7. R.A.W.

    TV channel office gets letter threatening to cause terror in city

    CHENNAI: The state police have started a probe to trace the person who had sent a letter to a television news channel offfice, threatening terror strikes at several prominent locations in the city. The Times Now channel received the anonymous letter, neatly typed, threatening to either blow...
  8. R.A.W.

    some funny indo pak cartoons

  9. R.A.W.

    Narendra modi 'NaMo' now a word, makes its entry into Gujarati dictionary

    AHMEDABAD: His name springs hundreds of options on any internet search engine — books, poems and blogs. NaMo, as Narendra Modi is popularly known in Gujarat, will now figure in a Gujarati lexicon. 'Lok-kosh: Bhasha Ni Asha', an online project will compile popular Gujarati words which have...
  10. R.A.W.

    World's top 8 outsourcing destinations

    Bangalore, India For the fourth consecutive year, India's Silicon Valley Bangalore bags the crown spot. Despite infrastructure still being a problem, Bangalore manages to bag the top position among the global outsourcing destinations. According to the study, the presence of India's big...
  11. R.A.W.

    Pakistan asks India to share terror information

    ISLAMABAD: Pakistan on Tuesday asked India to share information about any imminent terror attack "so that we can take care." "If India has any information about this, they should let us know, they should inform us because while Indian leaders do make such statements in the public but they...
  12. R.A.W.

    Belgian, Pakistani bag UN prize for promoting Gandhian ideals

    UNITED NATIONS: A Belgian human rights activist and a Pakistani philanthropist have bagged a coveted United Nations prize which draws its inspiration from apostle of peace Mahatma Gandhi's life. Franois Houtart of Belgium and Abdul Sattar Edhi of Pakistan were awarded the '2009 United...
  13. R.A.W.

    Salary for government employees after 6th pay commission in India

  14. R.A.W.

    NZ students to apologise for Nazi behaviour, kissing swastika

    WELLINGTON: Several New Zealand secondary school students who kissed a swastika and made Nazi salutes at the country's Auckland war museum are to apologise Tuesday for their actions. The five boys from the public school Auckland Grammar were also photographed kneeling in homage before a Nazi...
  15. R.A.W.

    'Parents selling girls as young as 12 to paedophiles for £50k'

    LONDON: Some British parents are selling virgin girls as young as 12 to millionaire paedophiles for sex at up to £50,000 per session, according to reports. Vice Squad cops were said to have nabbed three women and a man from Manchester after they tried to sell six girls aged between 14 and 23...
  16. R.A.W.

    Zardari vows to act against rebels behind Iran attack

    ISLAMABAD: Pakistan president Asif Ali Zardari has agreed on setting up a timetable to confront the rebel group Jundallah, which orchestrated a suicide attack that killed 42 people, including top officers of its elite Revolutionary Guard, in Iran. Zardari added that terrorists had also...
  17. R.A.W.

    Mobile phone to verify your Indian identity: Nilekani

    NEW DELHI: Move over passport and PAN card! Identity authentication at banks, gas connection centres or while providing rural jobs will just be an SMS away, Unique Identification Authority chief Nandan Nilekani said on Saturday. "Our project will provide a unique identification (UID) number...
  18. R.A.W.

    Missing in action: General No 1

    Reforms have a way of coming in late. No wonder then that a decade after the Kargil conflict exposed deep fissures within the military top brass, some critical lessons, especially on the need for a single-point advice structure, and by extension a General Number 1, are yet to be learnt. It...
  19. R.A.W.

    Vijayadashmi/dusserah Pics India

    Legends of Vijaya-Dashmi/ Dasha-Hara The history of Dussehra is an ancient one and derives its origin from a number of popular legends found in the scriptures. [edit] Victory of Prabhu Ramachandra over Ravana On this day in the Treta Yug, Shri Ram (7th incarnation of Vishnu), killed the...
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