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  1. LCA Tejas

    Unknown Light seen over Chennai

    Guys, I saw something strange over clouds, and the Sun News was reporting a strange light seen over the clouds of chennai, for 15 minuts and disappeared, What would have happened? I personally witnessed...
  2. LCA Tejas

    Pakistani Hacker posts anti-India slogans on B-school site

    MUMBAI: “Coward Indians stop sending trained terrorists in Pakistan from Afghan Border. Big F*** to RAW and Indian Agencies. Freedom and Justice of Kashmir and Palestine. This is Pakistan Net Army, Dr Neo, Son of Pakistan.’’ If this were ‘The Matrix’ , you would probably be looking at...
  3. LCA Tejas

    Indian classical Cultural heritage

    This video is My welcome gift to you all MORE TO FOLLOW
  4. LCA Tejas

    Any Info bout the following vehicles?

    Light Armoured Wheeled Vehicle (LAWV) VIPER
  5. LCA Tejas

    my favourite modern Multi barrel Rocket launchers

    BM-21 Grad(Russia) ASTROS II (Artillery SaTuration ROcket System) BRAZIL BM 30 Smerch RUSSIA PINAKA MBRL INDIA
  6. LCA Tejas

    Advanced Technology Vehicle successfully flight-tested ISRO

    The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) on Wednesday successfully flight-tested its new-generation, high-performance sounding rocket at the spaceport in Sriharikota, near here. The Advanced Technology Vehicle (ATV- D01), weighing three tonnes at lift-off, is the heaviest sounding rocket...
  7. LCA Tejas

    India to send more troops to Afghanistan

    NEW DELHI: India on Tuesday said Afghanistan remained a "vulnerable" area for Indian assets as the government plans to provide more and better security to its nationals posted in the war-ravaged country. "There were intelligence alerts that Indian assets may be targeted, following which...
  8. LCA Tejas

    DRDO to develop technologies to fight terrorists[FINSAS]

    New Delhi: Against the backdrop of increasing terror threats and insurgency, the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), on Saturday said it has ventured into technologies to support security forces in operations, including against nuclear, biological and chemical (NBC) attacks...
  9. LCA Tejas

    DRDO UAV For Fighting Maoists

    DRDO's UAVs, new weapons systems to fight Maoists NETRA UAV Buzz Up Share Thu, Feb 18 06:25 PM New Delhi, Feb 18 (ANI): To be one step ahead in fight against insurgents and the Maoists, India's premier research and development organisation, DRDO, is developing a whole set of...
  10. LCA Tejas

    India’s first unmanned submarine

    India tests unmanned underwater vehicle Banglorte: India successfully tested the unmanned submarine developed by the Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO). The AUV (Autonomous Underwater Vehicle)-150 built by the engineers of Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute...
  11. LCA Tejas

    Flight-testing of cryogenic stage of GSLV in April

    Flight-testing of cryogenic stage of GSLV in April Special Correspondent TAMBARAM: Indian Space Research Organisation Chairman K. Radhakrishnan on Monday said the flight- testing of the indigenous cryogenic stage of the GSLV D3 would be conducted in April. The vehicle would carry GAST-4, a...
  12. LCA Tejas

    LCH is getting ready for a maiden test flight

    New Delhi: India’s first indigenous light combat helicopter (LCH) may embark on its first flight this month. Being built at the Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) facility in Bangalore, the LCH completed its first ground run on February 4. Based on the LCH’s performance that day...
  13. LCA Tejas

    Mindblowing Music...

    This was created for tsunami Victims
  14. LCA Tejas

    My Home town....

    karnataka and Kerala..... My mothers and My fathers Place.... I hope You enjoy these Pictures
  15. LCA Tejas

    Tank EX Pictures

    Please post more pictures of Tank Ex
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