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  1. Hamilcar

    No first use nuclear policy may change in future, says Rajnath Singh on India's defence strategy

    Union Defence Minister Rajnath Singh on Friday said that India may see a major shift in its policy of using nuclear weapons. Rajnath has said India currently has a "no first use policy" on nuclear weapons but it may change in the future. Speaking at an event in Pokhran on Friday, Rajnath Singh...
  2. Hamilcar

    China, France and the US struggle for control of strategic port

    Strategically located in the center of the Mediterranean, Tunisia’s ancient port of city of Bizerte has bcome the focus of a new Great Game struggle between the North African country’s former colonial ruler, France; its oldest ally, the United States; and an aggressive new arrival, China...
  3. Hamilcar

    In 1988, Algeria and Tunisia Were Terrified of Israeli Air Raids

    by Tom Cooper War is Boring Late on the morning of Oct. 1, 1985, a formation of 10 Israeli air force F-15 fighters approached the Mediterranean coast of Tunisia at an altitude of 40,000 feet. In front were six F-15Bs and F-15Ds from No. 106 “Spearhead” Squadron. Each of the aircraft was...
  4. Hamilcar

    Russia distances itself from ship seized by Tunisia for its military cargo

    a Russian diplomat says the ship that’s being held in Tunisia, reportedly with 24 unregistered containers full of military equipment on board, belongs to a Turkish company and has no Russian citizens among its crew members. “This ship belongs to the Turkish company Akdeniz Ro Ro, and on...
  5. Hamilcar

    U.S. Warns governments around the world of 'Significant Transactions' With Russia

    The United States has warned governments around the world that they could face sanctions over any "significant transactions" they make with Russia's military, senior U.S. officials have said. The warnings officials disclosed on February 21 to reporters in Washington follow the U.S. State...
  6. Hamilcar

    ISR aircrafts for Tunisia?

    The Tunisian military's plans to acquire spy-planes, as anti-terrorist operations are increasingly carried out across the country, have raised the hopes of Italian defence group Leonardo. According to our sources, the Rome-based firm recently offered the Tunisian general staff at least two...
  7. Hamilcar

    Tunisia is interested in the Passive ESM Tracker VERA-NG and other Czech military products

    Minister of National Defence of the Republic of Tunisia Farhat Horchani, General Zouhayer Jedidi, Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Tunisian Air Force, and Colonel Mohamed Ben Salah, Division Director of the General Staff of the Tunisia Ground Forces,visited the Czech Republic to seek out...
  8. Hamilcar

    American Rushes to Help After a Storm Nearly Wipes Out the Chadian Air Force

    January 29, 2018, Arnaud Delalande On July 1, 2017, severe wind and heavy rain inflicted significant damage to a large number of Chadian air force aircraft stationed at N’Djamena air base. Three of the air force’s six Fennec helicopters and several hangars were seriously damaged or even...
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