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  1. lamayuru

    The danger of the India-China hysteria

    The danger of the India-China hysteria: Rediff.com news As the government downplays the news of the Chinese incursions in Ladakh, it has caused great concern among Indian strategists. B Raman believes any confrontation as a result of this hysteria would damage the interests of both countries...
  2. lamayuru

    JKLF chief comes home with his Pakistani bride

    JKLF chief comes home with his Pak bride: Rediff.com news JKLF chief comes home with his Pak bride ammu and Kashmir [ Images ] Liberation Front Chairman Mohammad Yasin Malik and his Pakistani bride Mishal Mullick arrived in Srinagar [ Images ] on Sunday to an affectionate welcome both at...
  3. lamayuru

    Pakistan has to accept India as big brother

    'Pakistan has to accept India as big brother': Rediff.com news author: Sheela Bhatt A candid dialogue between India and Pakistan's security establishments and intelligence services is the only way to move forward for both countries in securing peace, said Mahmud Ali Durrani, Pakistan's...
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