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  1. C

    J-20,China's fifth generation fighter's latest and most clear photos

    So far the clearest pictures of China’s fifth generation fighter. Not much to say, let’s enjoy these slowly from front to back. Accurate calculation the length of J-20 body with AutoCAD, the result is 20.67 m...
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    China’s Russian aircraft carrier latest CG images

    China’s Russian aircraft carrier latest CG images | WAREYE
  3. C

    2018 Chinese aircraft carrier and new Destroyer battles group imagine figures

    Electromagnetic guns in front and behind of 180 guided missile destroyer, and two anti-submarine underwater robots.The apron can open, which has a lift catapult that can catapult UAV, when task is completed, UAV lands on the sea, taken back by helicopter.Vertical silo in the middle of 108...
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    Very carefully! Pakistan Navy crew to maintain China-made warship

    It’s very carefully that Pakistan Navy crew to maintain China-made warship. Malaysia “Kuala Lumpur Security Review” August 27 reported: China-made Pakistan “Zulfiqar” missile frigate (class F-22P frigate PNS ZULFIQUAR, hull number F-251) into the military service...
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    United Kingdom to be very interest in Sweden-made science fiction SEP combat vehicle

    By the end of 2005, Sweden Heeg Lancz Ground Systems (BAe Systems Division) Made and began testing SEP-T tracked vehicles and wheeled armored combat vehicles SEP-W test sample. British Ministry of Defense had shown strong interest on the development of the research of SEP-T and SEP-W basic type...
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