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    More than India, two Mark Spitzs and three Usain Bolts: Michael Phelps medal haul by the numbers

    Michael Phelps, sports writers have calculated, has more career medals than 56 countries. He has more medals than the 1.3 billion people of India. He has so many medals that if he wore them all at once it could injure his neck. But if the point hasn’t yet been driven home how superhuman it is...
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    India and Phelps - A comparison

    Michael Phelps and India - A comparison Number of Persons Phelps: 1 India: 1,310,000,000 Number of Olympics taken part in Phelps: 5 India: 33 Number of Olympic medals Phelps: 27 India: 26 Number of Olympic Gold Medals Phelps: 21 India: 9 Other Activities Phelps: Philanthropy India...
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