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  1. FlyCheatter

    Russian responce to 'big dog' and new 'drivers'

    Some of Russian roboticsa and exoskelets pics: http://sdelanounas.ru/i/c/z/a/czAwLnlhcGxha2FsLmNvbS9waWNzL3BpY3NfcHJldmlldy82LzkvMy83NjE4Mzk2LmpwZz9fX2lkPTc2OTAy.jpg exo-parts: Funky 'terminator' lears to drive LOL :)
  2. FlyCheatter

    Russia overrides Middle East cyber waves

    By boosting its two extremities with state-of-the-art electronic warfare systems, Moscow has imposed a new reality whereby it will soon be almost impossible for any air or ground force, American or Israeli, to go into military action above or inside Syria or Iraq without prior coordination with...
  3. FlyCheatter

    V. Putin drives to Valdaj club in Sochi in Vesta

    Путин приехал на заседание клуба «Валдай» на новой Lada Vesta | Россия 24 | Видео новости на Newstube.ru
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